Instead of immediately rushing out the door. . .

Instead of immediately rushing out the door. . .


8 minutes goes a long way 🌀💓🌊


Good day to you, sunshines! Thank you for your engagement and for opening this message ☀️


Today I have a different, special topic to discuss.


BEMER. Aka that weird chair sitting in the corner of the adjustment room. 


You might see some of your fellow practice members using it.


You might see others not using it.


You might be one of the ones using it, or not using it, and either way sometimes still wondering what the heck is it 😂😂😂


As I’ve blogged about in the past, when I first learned of BEMER back in 2018 I was initially VERY RESISTANT to even learning about BEMER, let alone trying it. And I would go so far as to say that I was completely closed to the idea of liking BEMER, let alone the idea of purchasing my own unit 😂😱🙏 


And I really didn’t want anything to distract attention away from your extremely important Network Spinal care, which is primary.


But despite my resistance, when I tried BEMER it ended up helping me in a way that seriously got my attention (click here for my personal BEMER testimonial) 💥


So what is it? Besides being a gray mat that sits on a weird looking chair at the back of the adjusting room??


This is how I start my every shift at New Day!


BEMER stands for Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation and uses a technology called Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy or PEMF.


And in case you’re wondering, it mostly feels like nothing. You might feel a sense of warmth, relaxation, or energy moving, but besides that you won’t feel a thing.


If it feels like nothing, then why are we using it? 🤷‍♀️


We use BEMER because of the effect it creates in our bodies, which research shows lasts up to 4 days 🌀💥🌍💓


You have over 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body, and these vessels are constantly at work moving blood between the heart, lungs, and the rest of your body.


This constant movement of blood is what brings nourishment and nutrients to all the tissues of your body, removes toxins from the tissues, and gives you energy mentally and physically ✨


BEMER has that whole system work better and more efficiently by increasing what’s called the vasomotor response– which is how your capillaries move blood through your system.


Having a circulatory system that works the best it possibly can is a lot like choosing to have a brain and nervous system that works the best that they possibly can; it’s a smart decision that most likely prevents a vast number of problems and increases your quality of life over time 💓🌍💃


There is a ton of research on BEMER, showing it to be beneficial for athletic performance, pain relief, arthritis, and much more.


Professional athletes are using BEMER. Astronauts use BEMER. Even horses use BEMER! 👨‍🚀🏈🐎


I recommend BEMER as part of your wellness routine at New Day. If you’re not using it, I urge you to consider starting!


In addition to its medically established benefits, I’ve also heard that it’s a very enjoyable way to seal in the effects of your adjustments with me, as you take that extra 8 minutes before you run out the door into your hectic life to stop and relax.


Thank you for taking the time to learn about this, New Day community 💖


I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments tonight, next week, and beyond (but NOT November 5th-12th! See below!!)


This right here is THE best and most comprehensive educational video on BEMER (which many of you have seen). Check it out if you want to go deeper! 🌊

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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