Despite my resistance, THIS won me over


BEMER has arrived

Good morning, bright ones ☀️


As most of you know, I became a chiropractor through my experiences as a chiropractic patient.  


Those experiences include the ones that inspired me, through Network Spinal and how the care impacted me in my life, as well as those other experiences that DIDN’T inspire me to greater health, energy, and aliveness.


And because it was the experience of Network Spinal (or rather, the experience of myself like a whole new person!), this care is what I chose to emphasize at New Day.


I have even had the experience over the past many years in practice of meeting someone, out in the world through business networking, telling them I’m a chiropractor, and having them ask me, “What else do you do in your office?”  As in, what OTHER therapies and modalities do I employ besides (plain old) chiropactic    😱


To these questions I would often respond (only half jokingly), “just the chiropractic. What else is there?” And then we would laugh, because it’s kind of a crazy thing for me to say, but I’m clearly trying to convey that I see what I do, getting the brain and body into communication through the nervous system and using Network Spinal chiropactic to do that, as my primary purpose.


Even back when I was a chiropractic patient and not yet a doctor, I felt confused and even turned off by all the adjunctive modalities and seemingly junky contraptions and laying about some of the chiropractic offices I had seen.  


It was as though the chiropractors didn’t trust their work.  Or just didn’t trust the public to understand their work.


Much easier to begin and end the chiropractic adjustments with various hot packs, E-stim, traction, TENS units, and the like just to MAKE SURE the person knows this is a legitimate business 😱😱😱


Oh yeah, and then the doctor can bill the insurance company for slapping a hot pack on you and having their assistant hook contraptions up to you, in order to help make up the difference of what the insurance companies won’t pay for with your adjustments 😂😂😂


Suffice it to say it was important to me NOT to water down chiropractic at New Day in such a way 💥



And that’s not to say there aren’t other great healing modalities out there!  


But, while I may love massage, it’s not something I need to offer personally.  I also happen to love juicing and am a big believer of the health benefits of juicing, but that doesn’t mean I need to offer juice to our practice members either.


There is no replacement for the work I can do (or rather, help your body to do) through care for your spine and nervous system.  You get the point 💥💥💥


All that said, I FOUND SOMETHING AMAZING, and I want to share it with you, my practice members, because this could be a huge help to you in your health.


BEMER is a mat, attached to a machine.  You lay on the mat for a short 8 minute session, while the machine and the way it is hooked up to the mat and another pad attachment emits a PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequency) that stimulates the circulation in the capillaries and tiny blood vessels in your body.


When I first tried BEMER, which I absolutely DID NOT want to do because I was suspicious of above mentioned junky contraptions, I was impressed with the results right away. 


Even though I have been telling you repeatedly that PEMF is not necessarily something you feel an obvious result of doing, either during it or afterward, at the time I had a medical issue where I was able to note a clear change in my problem after using BEMER.


I realized that whether or not I had an active medical issue, symptom, or problem, having the result– having the best blood circulation possible to every cell in my body– is something I would want to benefit from at all times, whether or not I think I “feel” a difference.


I’ll be sharing more of the specifics of this with you in the coming weeks, but for me I have had improved feeling of energy and relaxation, especially in my legs and feet, improved wound healing, and even better sleep.


It is so helpful in a way that is so supportive of what you are already doing for your health through chiropractic, that I will make this available to our practice members, beginning the second week of November, after we host an informational event on the device.


If you are interested in learning more, and trying BEMER yourself for free, coming to the November 7th event at New Day at 4308 N Lincoln Avenue in Chicago is definitely the way to go.


If you are unable to come to the event but still potentially interested in how this could benefit you, don’t worry.  We will have some information for you and opportunities to purchase a single session coming up as well.




Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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