This video is actually pretty good


This video is actually pretty good

Donny Epstein, creator of Network Spinal care,
in action 💥

Good morning, New Day! Happy beginning of a new week filled with new possibilities for happiness, health, and growth 💓🌱☀️🍂

Also, Happy Halloween 🎃

Sometimes I hear from people that they love Network Spinal care, but they have a hard time explaining to people what it is.

And I can understand that! This is not your grandma’s chiropractic (unless your grandma is really cool 😊)

To a certain extent, you really do need to try it to find out what it is, and what it’s all about.

It’s an experience. It’s like, how do you describe what honey tastes like? You don’t! You just have to try it ✨

At the same time, there is part of me that actually feels that Network Spinal is EASIER to understand than traditional chiropractic, or a lot of other healing modalities out there.

Especially these days, in a world where most of us have an inherent awareness of systems and networks– thanks to the internet and wifi, “the cloud”, social media, etc. 

It would seem downright old-fashioned if someone assumed that the computer or the computer keys were the problem if Facebook wasn’t loading properly 👵🏻

Network Spinal works at the deepest level of your body and nervous system.

And it works like a set of system-reset buttons so that your muscles, bones, posture, old injuries, internal organs, and even your thoughts and feelings eventually get the message that it’s time to get better 💓☀️⚡️

There’s no better time than now, going into a season of stress and distraction, than to be in a weekly practice dedicated to re-setting your system and giving every part of you a chance to transform you to your newest version 💓💥🌀🌍

And if you’ve fallen off the wagon on your care lately, DON’T sweat it! It’s NEVER too late to start anew. And besides, you won’t really be starting over. It’s like getting back on a bike 🚴‍♀️

You don’t need to “understand” Network Spinal care for it to work for you and for you to get these benefits.

As I’ve heard it said, you don’t need to understand electricity to turn on the light 💡

BUT, if you’re interested, either because you are new, or because you are “old” (haha!) and could use a refresher, I recommend you check out these videos.

First, of course, there is the intro/demonstration video I made a few years ago with New Day rockstar Diana Z, which is apparently is up to 56K views on Youtube 💥

I hear it’s pretty helpful! I say that because I often don’t love watching videos of myself and so I haven’t seen it in a long, long time 😂

Check it out if you need a refresher. It’s only 5 minutes. Just don’t read the comments, because they might incite you to anger 😂🙏😱

Then there’s this video from Donny Epstein himself, the creator of Network Spinal care and Somato Respiratory Integration (aka the breathwork modality).

Donny, as I may have mentioned before, can be an acquired taste.

I don’t necessarily recommend his videos to everyone, especially those who are new on this journey with Network Spinal care.

BUT this video has the advantage of both narration, and seeing Donny do the work with a “patient” (the model patient is another Network Spinal practitioner and one of Donny’s teaching staff).

This video also has the advantage of capturing the most recent iteration of this care. There are a lot of old videos out there, which can be confusing.

So if you’re curious, check it out and enjoy! ☀️

PS, if you watch this video, you might find yourself wondering if you are moving enough on the table during your adjustments. It’s a valid question. If you aren’t, you definitely might want to try it 😊

And last but not least, if you’re new, or not new and it’s been a while, you might really want to come check out my next Intro to Care gathering at New Day.

I am deciding the day and time for the next gathering, and will have it to you soon ASAP.

Have a wonderful week and DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE for this week, and the week after next! Next week starting the 5th I’ll be away next week on vacation 💕🏝🌅

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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