Create your own SPINE TIME!

Create your own SPINE TIME!



Let me help you!


Good evening, Sunshine! Thank you for taking a moment to close out the past week, and start a new one, with me ✨✨✨


You have most likely heard me use these words before, in referring to your time on the table with me: “SPINE TIME.”


Your spine and nervous system certainly deserve a time of dedicated focus! They are incredibly important.


Think of it this way– your nervous system, and your spine as a big part of that– is more than just a physical structure in your body. It’s the operating system that runs the program YOU. And we all know what it feels like when that program might be running glitchy and needing an update 😂


SPINE TIME is vital in accomplishing this. You have your SPINE TIME with me, but can you have SPINE TIME on your own?


YES! 💥💥💥


In the coming weeks, I want to empower you to take the awarenesses you gain through Network Spinal care with me out into your life in very practical ways.


I get asked all the time, “What should I be doing on my own?”


“Should I be stretching more?” and “What sort of stretches should I do?” (“and when? how often? and for how long?”)


“Would meditating more help my body?”


“What about breath work?”


“What about my desk/pillow/shoes/mattress/workouts?” 😨😂🙏




You definitely don’t need to address all of these issues, or start all these activities, at once.


Just like with my care, a “little” CAN go a long way, especially if you are being intentional and using an energy-rich focus 💖


Plus, you’re always growing and changing, and so different methods and strategies are going to work for you at different times in your life.


Maybe you’ve developed your own ways of bringing SPINE TIME into your life outside New Day. That’s awesome! I think you are totally qualified to do this on your own 🤗


But even if that’s the case, there might be a lot for you to gain by gathering with me and some of New Day’s brightest souls to create the best habits and rituals for you– in your newest 2024 version ✨☀️💗🌍🌀


I’m developing an in-person experience for us to work on this together! And I’m VERY EXCITED imagining which ones of you will lead the way at New Day and take this opportunity.


Join us Saturday, February 17th!💥



Click here to go to my scheduling site now to register yourself for SPINE TIME with me. Space is limited!




Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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