10 years from now. . .

10 years from now, you’ll surely arrive!

The question is, where?


Good morning, New Day!

Have I ever told you that I think that I might have named New Day “New Day” thanks to a subconscious thread from Anne of Green Gables?

She was known to say, “Tomorrow is a new day!  Fresh, with no mistakes in it!”

Take that in. “Fresh, with no mistakes in it.”  It doesn’t mean nothing happened in the past that might be impacting us now.  But it does mean that we always have the capacity to bring a fresh perspective and intention.

Keep that feeling of possibility with you as you read the following quote.  According to Tony Robbins, one of his early mentors used to always say, “In 10 years, you will have arrived!  The question is, WHERE?”

The things we do and don’t do today MATTER when it comes to your health, and the health of those around you.

That you’ve been getting chiropractic care, eating healthy, hell even reading these emails is most definitely altering your trajectory for the next 10 years and beyond.

And if you’ve been off course, wouldn’t you rather be able to notice that and make a change 4 days later rather than 4 months later?  Or 4 months later rather than a year later?

Research on patients receiving Network care has shown that you can continue to consider yourself healthier and healthier over time, regardless of what seems to be happening around you.  Regardless of the zigs and zags and occasional potato chips.

The point is that the solution isn’t a vaccine.  But the solution isn’t chiropractic either.  It’s not eating all the right foods and none of the bad foods, or running every day.

The solution is you, at your best in your nervous system, health, and body. It’s you being able to add energy to those around you, rather than drain it away.  It’s you being able to watch the news or overhear a conversation and not believe the lie that you’re helpless until something  or someone outside you changes.

AND, even more importantly, the solution is you being able to notice when you’re off track, not in an optimal state, energy poor, glued to social media, feeling that, and making a change.

Have a fantastic week, New Day, with Dr. Virginia and the team.  (This is the week that I had planned to be in Aruba! I am not in Aruba, but am taking a week off).

Thank you to all those who have offered their condolences on the death of my father, as well as for my cat Loki who passed away last Thursday.

I will see you back NEXT Monday the 21st <3

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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