Witnessing the flow of life

Great afternoon, New Day.  Thank you for opening <3

Ah life.  It can be such a mystery. ✨

As some of you know, I have been having some experiences recently!

First, I got engaged 💍.  Then, my dad passed away ⚱️.  And now, unexpectedly, my cat Loki may be making his transition soon as well 🙏 (prayers for Loki, please!)

When I was talking to one of my mentors yesterday, Dr. Pam Jarboe, and was summarizing these recent events, she commented, “you sound floaty.”

I FEEL floaty.  Not floaty good or floaty bad.  Just floaty. 💫

Dr. Pam went on to tell me that Donny Epstein used to always say that getting adjusted regularly helps strengthen the “witness” part of ourselves.  The part that can observe situations and evaluate.  The part that can see beyond the immediate situation and circumstance, rather than just being a slave to our reactions and limited point of view.

Most likely, Pam said, I have a really strong “witness” or “observer” sense, as a result of all the years Network Spinal care, not to mention all the other health related work I’ve done.

Although I haven’t ruled out that I’m also in or about to be in some recognizable part of a standard “grief cycle.”  Yet, this explanation that I have special access to an ability to witness in my life does ring true to me.

Khan and Loki healing together 💗

This conversation had me remember something I read a couple nights ago. It was a review in The New Yorker of a book about Adrienne Rich, describing her career as a poet, and scholarly controversy around her many transformations and “re-visions.”  

Something that rankled her many critics, according to the author, is the way Rich would embrace a new way of writing, a new belief, or a new set of politics, with resolute certainty, seeming to disavow her previous beliefs and ways of doing things. “Why was Rich so sure she’d been wrong then, and why was she certain she was right now?”

When I read that last sentence, I paused and set down the magazine to digest what I was becoming aware of. Wow.

This poet, Adrienne Rich, evidently believed that her life, her craft, and her beliefs would OBVIOUSLY continuously improve over time. Not effortlessly, but through the experiences of life and through hard work.  Of course the newest iteration would be the best!

And I believe that too.  I can clearly see a shape and a flow for my life, and that it is an evolution.  And I can also see that not everyone experiences life that way.  It’s so interesting.

I am BEYOND grateful for a continued sense of having access to the uncommonly seen and felt, through my spine, nervous system, and the energetic field. Thank you, Donny!  And thank you, life.

And thank YOU for your contributions to our New Day experience! ☀️

PS This week I will be exploring “the shape of your life” in a special video for my Precious Gems (scroll all the way down for more info). 💎

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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