When you’re eating pie every day. . .

When you’re eating pie every day. . .



We all need reminders!



Good morning, sunshine! Thank you for opening this message! πŸ’



The other day, I addressed a question from one of my Weekly Care Club members (clients who pay an affordable monthly payment for weekly care with me) about her partner starting care at New Day.



“I know they really need this, but they can’t come in once a week right now and won’t be able to until later in January,” she explained.



“Is it worth it to start now? Or should they wait until they can commit to this?” she asked.



“Well,” I began, “I could see it either way. On the one hand, people do get the best results from my care by doing it regularly and scheduling it in.”



“On the other hand,” I continued, “I’ve been working out at the gym, and yet I’m also eating pie.”



(Are you ever completely surprised/dismayed by the words suddenly coming out of your mouth? It happens to me all the time πŸ˜‚πŸ™βœ¨)



What does working out at the gym and eating pie have to do with anything? Here’s why I think this is a super relevant and timely analogy.




A few weeks ago, I wrote about one of the biggest benefits of Network Spinal care being is that it is an INTERRUPTION to our stress-based, past-based, habitual (and addictive!) ways of feeling and focusing in our bodies (and life!) πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯



(Also relevant to this conversation is that you might recall that I also just recently wrote about why exercise is more important than diet– not that exercise and Network Spinal care are interchangable, but they do share an important benefit).



If I’m eating pie on the regular, working out at the gym is not necessarily going to have the same effect as it might otherwise.



The workouts might feel more difficult (as I haul my heavy body around πŸ˜‚) And it might feel like the exercise is only just barely keeping my health from getting even worse!



But consider the alternative. I could just say to myself, “It’s no use working out if I’m just going to sit here eating pie all day. I’ll just wait to start working out again until this pie is gone.”



Then, by the same logic, I could probably justify continuing to go in an unhealthy direction, with no interruptions (because what’s the point?), until after Chirstmas.



Or maybe just wait until New Years? (Because you know there’s always a lot of leftover food laying around between Christmas and New Years) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜±πŸ™



Sometimes the care we receive that interrupts the unhealthy trajectory, keeping us from getting worse, is even more important than the care we receive when we are doing everything right ✨



And maybe for you this isn’t about pie, or even food.





Maybe what needs to be interrupted in your body and life is you constantly telling yourself and others how busy you are? 😰



Or maybe, little by little as time as gone by and you haven’t been receiving Network Spinal care lately, life has just gradually been feeling less and less energized and your sense of possibility is dwindling. You’ve become more “practical” 😰😰😰



You find that your thoughts gravitate toward problems, and what needs fixing, managing your medical issues, and what you need to “work on,” and that your life feels like a series of things you need to get through 😰😱😰😱



STOP! Let’s interrupt that ****



One or two interruptions (rather than zero and continuing on the trajectory you’re on) could work wonders 😊



And in the meantime, if you need an interruption RIGHT NOW, please read the text of this slide (in your head or out loud) from the 12 Stages program I attended with Donny Epstein a month ago:



You don’t even need to know what this slide is about or what it means to feel the change in energy when you read it ✨✨✨



“An emerging beautiful and profound reality exists within and beyond the bound material world and our understanding. I now experience the spaces between what I had experienced as REALITY.



It is real, beautiful, complete, effortless, spacious, timeless, true and sacred. Filled with acceptance for the connection to everyone and gratitude for all of creation, I joyfully find the sacred magic in between and around what I thought was real.” βœ¨β˜€οΈπŸ’—πŸŒπŸŒ€



Have a beautiful moment in this space within reality that we call “Thursday,” New Day πŸ€—



I am here for you today, Saturday, Monday-Thursday the following week, Monday-Thursday AND Saturday the week of the 16th, and after Chirstmas here and there again until New Years πŸ’–

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinalβ„’ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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