We can’t solve the problem from the level of consciousness that created the problem. . .

We can’t solve the problem from the level of consciousness that created the problem. . . 



Spine time needs to be ENERGY RICH 💥


Greetings, sunshines of New Day! I hope you’ve enjoyed this beautiful Sunday ☀


Do you ever wake up in the morning having had a stressful dream?


In your dream you were running around, trying to get somewhere and get something done, but more and more complicated and distracting things keep coming up, continually throwing you off course?


In this dream you kept trying to refocus and regroup on your mission or task, but somehow the goal seemed to keep getting further and further away from you the harder you tried 😨


If I were to name this type of dream, I would call it “hurrying and thwarted.” 😂😂😂


I don’t know about you, but I’ve had this type of dream more than a few times in my life.


(There is also another type of dream I have quite frequently where it’s the last quarter of school approaching graduation, but then I realize I’m in a class that I didn’t know I was in and never went to 🙃 And now the final exam is coming up 😱😂🙏)


I’ve even found that sometimes when I wake up from an episode of “hurrying and thwarted,” my brain is still moving a mile a minute, gripping onto these thoughts and feelings and still thinking I’m seconds away from finally getting ahead 😂😂😂


Whether or not you’ve had this particular “hurrying and thwarted” dream (or the class you didn’t know you were registered for dream) I’m sure you can relate to the strange feeling that comes next– when you wake up and snap out of it, realizing it was only a dream.


You feel that huge breath and a sense of relief come over your body. And then you can actually let go of these imaginary concerns (and the fight or flight physiology that goes along with them).


Albert Einstein said that “we can’t solve the problem from the level of consciousness that created the problem.” 🤯


When we are “hurrying and thwarted,” whether in dreamtime or in our actual lives, we are not in a very good position to make progress or have a breakthrough because we too deep in the stress-based and problem-focused consciousness.


And it’s this phenomenon that I sometimes see posing a problem for many of you (and myself at times!) when it comes to taking time outside of New Day for your spine and nervous system health.


Spine time, whether it’s here with me or out on your own, needs to begin with an energy rich consciousness ✨✨✨



What is an “energy rich consciousness”?


Well, the opposite of energy rich is energy poor.


An energy poor consciousness creates an experiences of “hurrying and thwarted.”


Energetically, to be energy poor is to feel and function like you’re rowing up the river of life, against the current, in a canoe with a big old hole in it 🛶😨


In contrast, the energy rich focus or consciousness is analogous to the moment you realize that you are awake and all these petty concerns were just a dream.


We are able to stop and see beyond the stress and distractions. We feel fueled and able to focus on our larger goals and the big picture ⛵🌍✨❤


Network Spinal care– the type of care that I provide– is meant to help you function at that energy rich level of consciousness. As often as possible.


But many times we may want to do more to support our spines and our health outside of our weekly adjustments, but we don’t know where to start.


We end up trying to create routines– whether it’s stretching, yoga, meditation, or breathwork– from an energy poor, stress-based, hurried and thwarted focus. And not surprisingly, we don’t feel like we get very far.


This Saturday, February 17th, I’m going to lead a group of some of our brightest souls at New Day through an energy rich process to create your own energy rich SPINE TIME rituals to use at home ✨💥✨💥✨




You have most likely heard me use the words “SPINE TIME” in referring to your time on the table with me 💖


Your spine and nervous system certainly deserve a time of dedicated focus! They are incredibly important, and you’re already investing in them with your care at New Day.


Maybe you’ve developed your own ways of bringing SPINE TIME into your life outside New Day.


But even if that’s the case, there might be a lot for you to gain by gathering with me and other sunshines of New Day for to create the most energy rich and effective habits for the 2024 version of you ✨☀💓🌍🌀


Through this process I am creating for Saturday, not only will you create your own personalized SPINE TIME, but we will also be programming these rituals and ways of focusing into your nervous system for maximal effectiveness.


Join us Saturday, February 17th 💥


Click here to go to my scheduling site now to register yourself for SPINE TIME with me. Space is limited!

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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