Invitation to use what you know 💥

Invitation to use what you know 💥


Reassessment-palooza is coming


Good afternoon, sunshiners! I hope you have been appreciating this beautiful fall light and fall colors we still have 🍂🏡🍂


Today I’m thinking about how sometimes there can seem to be “mixed messages” in teachings around healing, growth, and spirituality.


For example, many would say that we are supposed to have a vision and focus on what we want to create, BUT sometimes those same people would say that we need to stay open and unattached. Which is it? And when?


Similarly, I found myself in the same bind in the first few days of my trip to Peru.


Despite having been exposed to, and somewhat familiar with Peruvian Shamanic teachings and practices, I came to the trip, which was with a small group, relating to myself as one of the newcomers.


I was there to participate and absorb, but to also basically stand to the back or to the side while the others did most of the engaging.


A “beginner’s mind” and being open is great. . . until you notice that you’re so “open” that you’re actually not engaging 😂


Sometimes it is important to use what you know, not just to stand back and assume that you’re already receiving what you need.


Are YOU using what you know??


And by that I mean are you using what you know in your care with me, as well as in your life during the rest of the week when you’re not with me?


It is time for us to look at this together 💥🌀💥🌀 #itstime #reassessmentpalooza


So here’s an example of how I had a realization around the need to use what I know in my experience with the group in Peru ⛰️
A couple days into the trip, we had this much-hyped experience of “The Dark Room”, which is basically the group going into this special and completely darkened room so that we can hear from the mountain spirits (this might sound a bit crazy, and it was #dontworryaboutit 😂)

The experience was fine and everything. I mean, it was interesting and novel. But I didn’t necessarily come out of it thinking that this was the amazing high point of the trip it was meant to be.

Over the next couple of days, I started to think about how I, as a result of the many years of training in Network Spinal care, and learning from Donny Epstein and many others, already have significant access to energy and information through my nervous system.

And yet, I didn’t feel like I was drawing upon this access during the trip. I was “open.” And I was observing. But I was not engaging.

One of the ways this access to energy and information becomes conscious for me is through my sight. I use what I see, for example, when you are on the table and I’m working with you, and/or during Focused Breath. Not everyone necessarily would have this access because we are all different. And I’ve had 11+ years worth of practice in using this capacity that I have.

The other way, more importantly, is through feeling, awareness, and movement– physically in my spine and body. This access through awareness, feeling, and movement is one access point that you may also feel that you have through working with me at New Day ☀️✨🌀💓

Two days later, we went back to the dark room, and this time I had a totally different experience because I approached it differently.

“I won’t have access to my sight (this is the DARK ROOM after all,” I thought. “But I will have my body, spine, and my awareness of these. Why don’t I engage with what’s happening in the room by allowing and encouraging access through my spine and body?”

So there I was, sitting in that dark room with the group and the “mountain spirits” (however that works!) and my spine and body were moving A LOT. It was like I was at some crazy Donny Epstein event, y’all! This experience brought all kinds of energetic shifts and ‘aha’s’ for me, during and especially afterward.

And this was all because I had the presence of mind to notice that I wasn’t engaging as much as a could be, and the confidence and curiosity to decide to USE WHAT I KNOW.

If I had to have this big thought process and “aha” around using what I know– me, the person who practices this work and has trained extensively– I wonder how using what you know has been going for you 🙃
Let’s find out! 💥💥💥

I am creating a reassessment process for you at New Day to gather data and information explore these questions. It’s time for an uplevel and the beginning of a new chapter in your experience in care with me!

Within the next week, I will be receiving and training on new machinery so that we can have new objective data about your nervous system.

The system is called Insight, and it is going to capture sEMG data (surface Electro-Myography), which we had already been doing but this system is going to be more detailed and accurate than what I was using in the past  #uplevel

The system will also test Heart Rate Variability— which is another measure that can give information about the functioning of your fight or flight nervous system.

There will also be questionnaires designed by me to assess what specific benefits you seem to be getting from my care so far, and if and how you are using these benefits outside of New Day, and what is your growth-edge for continued and further benefits 💥🌀🌍💗

This process is for all Bright Souls who has been in care with me for at least 5 months (if you’ve been in care 3 months or less we will still use the new machinery at your reassessment, but your process will be different).

If you were in care with me in the past but have been on the sidelines recently, this is going to be a REALLY GOOD time to re-engage, as we will be able to begin this new chapter of work together with this energizing process I’m creating 💞 (CLICK HERE if that’s you and you want to express interest or ask a question about this)

Stay tuned for further updates and an official invitation to Reassessment-Palooza. I expect this process to unfold over the end of November and through December.

Thank you so much for being continued inspiration for my creativity, New Day. I hope you have a fantastic week, and I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you 💖

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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