Don’t come in this week– I’ll be in Peru!

Don’t come in this week– I’ll be in Peru!



But how about some cat pictures?Β 


Hey there, sunshiners! Thank you for opening this message even though you know, based on the subject line, that New Day is closed this week due to my being away on the trip to Peru πŸ¦™β›°οΈβœ¨


I try to say this regularly, and I want to say it again now; it really does make a difference that you open these emails and stay connected.


I’ve heard it said that “you don’t always get what you want. But you do get what you are interested in.”


If you are a client or practice member at New Day, receiving Network Spinal care, or are a friend or in any way connected to New Day, you are part of this community β˜€οΈ


Over and over again I have seen it happen that the ones who seem to reap the most benefits from the care and the community are the ones who are pursuing an INTEREST in it.


By interest, I mean openness, curiosity, and focused attention.


Kind of like when you were a kid and you became VERY interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder and pioneering (talking about me right now 😊).


I pursued this to it’s full extent. I was checking out books from the library. I was watching specials on TV. I was planning road trips across multiple states to visit the former homes of Laura Ingalls Wilder (my parents said “no” πŸ˜‚).


I’m sure you can relate to this type of experience in childhood, and hopefully now too with things that you are interested in.


Do you ever notice how when you are interested in something, it will keep seeming like coincidences happen and circumstances conspire to bring you more and more of what you’re interested in? ✨✨✨


When you choose to dedicate your interest to something healthy and nourishing rather than to drama, conflict, and distraction you’re doing more for yourself and the people around you then you could ever realize! πŸ’“β˜€οΈπŸŒπŸ’₯


Thank you for showing interest, and adding interest, to all of our lives, New Day!


And now, just in case this was an interest that lead you to open this email, how about some photos of Jethro Tail? 🐈🐈🐈


Some of you may have been interested to notice (ha!) that even though I was SO EXCITED to have a home office so that I could spend more time with Jethro Tail, you haven’t seen much of him.


And you might be wondering WHY. . .Β 


Very handsome, as you can see.Β A real meowdel!


“Can we just stay in bed all day, mom and dad?”


Look at that face!


Jethro feels VERY safe in his little cat-tree fortress



Initially, Jethro did come downstairs to scope things out a couple times during adjusting hours.


And he even dropped into an Intro to Care with like 10 people here (he was really hungry for his dinner that day! πŸ˜‚)


But what we ended up discovering was that my dream of spending more time with Jethro while I worked was not also his dream 😿


Jethro really prefers to be one on one with his mom and dad. Being in a wide open room that someone new could pop into at any moment ended up scaring Jethro and stressing him out! 😱


So for now, Jethro spends his days upstairs with his cat-dad, and on the porch in his cat-tree. He enjoys it when we pet him or speak to him (in cat-voice of course!) He also loves co-sleeping and sleeps with us almost every night 😻


Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinalβ„’ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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