Time for your follow up 💥💥💥

Time for your follow up 💥💥💥


It’s time to follow up about your recent reassessment


Good morning, New Day! ☀️


As many of you know, I’ve been doing reassessments with many of you– those who have been in my care for 6 months or more– to give us an opportunity to connect about your progress and opportunities for improvement going forward.


I discussed the importance of periodic reassessments in this blog, if you missed it 😊


The next phase of things, if you had a recent reassessment with me (or would still like it, it’s not too late to jump on board), is to schedule for one of the small-group follow ups with me.


These small group follow-ups are free.


It is not required that you take part, but I strongly encourage you to do so!


Your participation helps you as you continue your care with me.


Your participation helps me as we deepen our connection and relationship over the months and years.


Your participation even helps your fellow New Day clients!


You might be thinking, “Why is she encouraging me to participate in a small group, rather than meet with us each one on one? Is she just trying to save time?” 😂🙏👯‍♀️


We can meet one on one too, if we need to. That’s not off the table 😊


We are meeting in small groups for the same reason why I choose to see you for your ongoing care during adjusting hours and in an open room with other clients; there is a creative magic we all get to benefit from together as part of a community 🤗🌍💖



Pretty much every decision that I make about what goes on at New Day– from the little pictures and sayings I tape underneath the adjusting tables, to the music, to these blogs, etc– is based on the premise that it is no accident that we are all being brought together in this community.

You’re part of something special. And your being part of it is what makes it special 💥✨☀️💓🌍

I can’t wait to see all the good that comes out of these small group follow ups.  A benefit to one will be a benefit to all 😊

There are 3 Group Follow Ups on the schedule for you to choose from:


Saturday, July 23rd at 12PM
Tuesday, July 26th at 7PM
Friday, July 29th at 12PM


Follow these 3 easy steps to schedule your Follow Up.


1) Go to the New Day scheduling website:

2) Choose “Small Group Follow Up” from the list of services on the left:

3) Choose either the Saturday the 23rd, Tuesday the 26th, or Friday the 29th Follow Up:


AND,  if you feel like you don’t want to participate because you are shy and awkward or don’t like people, then you can sit at the back of the room and do you own thing, that is perfectly fine 😊


Simply being there and adding your energy and presence helps you, helps me help you, and does help other people in their care process ✨🌍


Thank you for your engagement, New Day! I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments this week– as well as at one of the Small Group Follow Ups.

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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