Network Spinal. . . what’s the point of all of this?

Network Spinal. . . what’s the point of all of this?

To feel better?  Better how?

Good evening, New Day!

Before I begin, let me just say that it has been SO WONDERFUL continuing to reconnect with so many of you who are coming back into care after the last few months of uncertainty.  We’ve loved seeing you in the office, hearing your voice on the phone, and email updates from all of you.  Even in times of uncertainty, this is such an energy rich community.

In my last blog, I foreshadowed the importance of having a big picture.

The small picture, for Network Spinal care, is certainly a good one.

Hey, worst case scenario is that you’re relaxing on a table, listening to music, experiencing what seems like a series of relaxing touches.  Even if that’s all that was happening, there are worse ways to spend $74 ;).

Even if our focus in terms of the benefits of the care was strictly on short-term relaxation and pain reduction (still what I would call small picture), you’d definitely still be faring pretty well in terms of value, compared to what else is out there.

After all, there are lots of ways to “feel better” (everything from booze and ibuprofen, to stretching and yoga, to cortisone injections, etc, etc, etc), but not all are healthy, some have negative side effects or repercussions for your life, and many are not expected to “work” beyond a very limited time frame or in a way that changes and evolves as you do.

When it comes to Network Spinal, what is the point of all of this, really?  Just to have an all natural alternative to popping a pill?

This form we have you fill out at your initial visit HINTS at the
“big picture”

The “big picture” with all this, that has the time, energy, and monetary cost of you being in the care not only be worth it, but to even have it be a bargain, comes down to what I will call the “two Ps”.

Those “two P’s” are Paradigm and Process.

Paradigm means we are creating, sustaining, and periodically upgrading your paradigm for your health and your life through the care.

This is a fancy way of saying, we help you raise your standards.

For example, let’s say that when you started in our chiropractic care, your bottom line was that for you to be getting better, you had to have pain less often.  Otherwise, the care woudn’t be “working.”  Very common scenario for many of us.

But through the process of care (there’s the other “P”!) you discovered that you are probably having your pain less often.  However, that paradigm becomes limited in explaining the benefit of the care.

In fact, let’s say, now you’re experiencing all sorts of fluctuations in how and when you experience pain.  And actually there is not only pain, but also different sensations.

And not only are there fluctuations and sensations, but that these, you now sense, are related to the larger process of the life that you live (work, home, activity, stress, bed, thoughts, etc).  And because of that you can focus on improving different aspects of your life.  The paradigm keeps shifting and expanding.

And then at the same time as the paradigm is shifting, let’s say, through the process of the care you discover that this whole process is even more of a “process” than you originally thought!

Remember back when it used to seem that the adjustment was only “happening” while you were laying on the table and while me or Dr. Virginia were actually touching you (but not the rest of the time)?  

Then it was happening the whole time you were laying on the table.  Then it included the things me or Dr. Virginia might say to engage you during your adjustment.  Then it included other insights or observations you had during your time on the table, or at New Day generally.  Then it was that whole day that you considered part of the “adjustment.”


And then also intermittently throughout the week, except for the times that you and your nervous system go unconscious and drop out of the process for a bit (extended bad moods, bad posture, focus on pain, sub-optimal eating, etc).

And then eventually, sometimes, it was felt to be the case that even in those times you thought you went out of the process and the paradigm shrunk again, that you were actually STILL in that process.

The picture can keep getting bigger.  And even when it gets smaller, if you stay engaged that apparent glitch is probably still part of a process of getting bigger and more integrated <3 (can we say Stage 12– Community, anyone?)

Am I making any sense here?  Or am I rambling?  I get excited when I consider the possibilities for your nervous system, this care, and this community.

We look forward to seeing you, working with you, and continuing to co-create that perfect “big picture” for you this week <3

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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