Ready for some good news?

Ready for some good news?

We could all use it!


Good afternoon, New Day!

Waking up to the pouring rain today, as well as receiving the news from the mayor that the lakefront will not open in June, was a bit of a downer.  To say the least.

We could really use some good news.

I am happy to report that 1) We will be back with you for another FREE Virtual “Adjustment” this Saturday, and 2) We will be back with your for another installment of FREE Focused Breath/SRI this Saturday, and 3) We have 2 more things on the schedule to harness some energy and aliveness in the next couple weeks (see our events on Facebook :)).

First, the Virtual “Adjustment.”  We received a lot of enthusiastic feedback from our last one a month ago.  So if you participated, I hope that you return this Saturday.

And if you’ve never participated– this may be the perfect thing for you right now!


“Virtual ‘Adjustment’!?  What?!  How?!

Have you ever walked into the adjusting room and seen someone getting care and felt like you were already getting results?  For example, you notice your breath getting deeper, your focus changing, and your body moving?

Especially if you’ve been in Network Spinal care for very long, your nervous system is very sensitive, knows how to reprogram through the care, and picks up on your inherent connection with other people.

I’ll also add that I know this to be a community of early-adopters (and the friends and family of early adopters who sometimes get dragged along for the ride!).

You’re also a community of people who knows their impact on the collective and ability to spread good in the world through your actions and participation.

Why not make use of this sensitivity, innate ability to heal, adventuresome spirit, desire to contribute, and awareness of the inherent connection we have with each other to create our free Virtual “Adjustment”*? 

Could YOU use more healing right now?

Could you, experiencing more healing, feel more energy and aliveness, and be and do and serve the world more right now?

This is where Virtual “Adjustment”* comes in!

Whether you’ve been continuing your care at New Day over the past month, or you have been unable to do so, our free Virtual “Adjustment” is for you!

How will this work?

You will go to the New Day Facebook and click on the Live video at 12PM noon on Saturday, April 18th (directly before Virtual Focused Breath with me and Dr. Virginia at 12:30PM).

You will see me, Dr. Katie, adjusting one of our practice members (and intentionally sending the results of that adjustment to you, our community).  There will be no voice over, no explanation, no commentary.  Just me, and that practice member, with you, intentionally having an experience together.

You can also go to the event we created on Facebook right now and click “interested” so that you will receive a notification about this.

Scenes from our last Virtual Adjustment.  Thanks again to practice member Kristen D. for standing in for our community physically 🙂

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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