What’s your “outcome” for this quarantine?
The switch to energy rich
Hey hey, New Day!
I know I just connected with you a couple days ago, but I had something else that I wanted to share, if you’re interested. Thank you for opening this email!
What’s your outcome– as in your DESIRED outcome– for this quarantine?
Maybe there are several outcomes or several sets of desired outcomes for different areas of your life ie physical health, emotionally, financially, in your career, etc.
I’ve been listening to a Tony Robbins audio called “Time of your Life” where he discusses “outcomes” vs “goals.”
He argues that when we have an outcome that we put on our agenda, we’re more likely to attain it. The word “outcome” brings certainty because no matter what, there will be an outcome– as in an event or recognizable end point.
Goal attainment, on the other hand, often feels optional, or like something you’re always chasing and not always accomplishing. Goal attainment as a process can feel like it drags on forever. Strangely, being “goal” oriented can feel more like being “activity oriented” than outcome oriented, and therefore energy neutral. We’re in the activity and the to-dos and not as focused on the inevitable outcome.
This simple change of wording has the power to change the energy we bring to a project.
Many of us in this New Day community are leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives, and we probably all have a lot of “goals.”
Maybe the quarantine has felt like an ideal time to work on “goals.” Maybe that’s working for you. Or maybe, like me, you feel like you’re walking under water some days 😉
So what’s your outcome– the desired outcome or outcomes you are creating– for yourself and your life during this quarantine? Are you happy with what those are, and how they are going so far? Or is it time to switch it up, or maybe add a different energy and focus?
Join Dr. Virginia and I for virtual Focused Breath on Facebook Live tomorrow. What’s our outcome?
For us it’s an increasing sense that we are enriching the lives of our community worldwide.
We will be looking for even greater numbers of participants and even more feedback from participants during and after the virtual workshop. We will be feeling even more expansive, energized, and alive during and after this experience.
We will be leading you through a process to get even clearer about your desired outcome for the workshop (and quarantine!), or at least helping discover what area of your life you’d like to create an outcome for. The work we do with you tomorrow using Focused Breath/SRI will create even greater clarity and momentum toward your outcome.
And we will be focusing most especially this week on working in the Season of Awaken– Stages 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
Like last week, at the event you will have the ability to enter into a raffle for a FREE one-on-one zoom Focused Breath session with myself or Dr. Virginia!
Last, if this is something you have benefitted from, we also ask that you please share this with a friend, and/or a group you’re part of on Facebook or otherwise. It always adds so much to the experience for everyone (even virtually!) to have guests of all walks of life 🙂
Can’t wait to see ya tomorrow!