
I’m having a breakthrough!

A much needed update

Good evening, beautiful people!

Last week I told you that I was feeling like a dull, unsharpened pencil.

Not all the time in my blogs, but sometimes, I like being able to share with you where my head and heart are at.

I never want it to seem like I assume me and my life and observations are that important or relevant to you, or that you need to agree with me and my thoughts.

BUT, I noticed something out of alignment for me over the course of these weeks, and especially last week as the covid-19 crisis has progressed.

And not just the “dull pencil” feeling.  There was something else as well.  A reactivity.  A knee-jerk, Stage 2-style polarity.

Admittedly, it is part of the chiropractic personality, I would say, that we are fiercely independent.  We don’t like to be told what to do (if we did, why would we have chosen a profession that for 99 percent involves working independently in one’s own office?)

We are skeptical of the mainstream.  We’ve seen health and wellness trends that we embraced a long time ago, that were regarded as fringe/weird/stupid, now become mainstream (and we don’t usually get any acknowledgement for this!)

We are business owners, but we don’t find ourselves on the side of big business.  But we are also separate from those who hold that business and business owners are necessarily a problem, because for most of us having a chiropractic practice is a passion project and we believe in what we are doing.

It can be a weird space to be in, socially.  But also a REALLY fruitful place to observe from.


Where am I going with this?

Well, I noticed last week, thanks to some amazingly helpful social media interactions (they didn’t always feel helpful at the time! HA!), a reactivity and a knee-jerk “Don’t tell me what to do!” sentiment coming through me.

There have been moments, like last week, in observing the public reaction to covid-19 when I feel much more connected to what I am AGAINST rather than what I am for.

I have felt fearful about the potential for a belief system to triumph that is counter to what I feel and know to my core.  And it hasn’t always brought out my best self!

All of this has given me a PRICELESS opportunity to reframe my politics and worldview in alignment with the possibility of New Day.  I am SO GRATEFUL.  I’d like to share it with you.

So what am I FOR?

Here’s what I am knowing for me, and us, this week, in the spirit of the season of Transform.  Not INSTEAD of what anyone else is thinking or doing, but in addition to the practices and norms that we are now practicing as a society.

  • ALL science and all research is premised on assumptions and beliefs.  Whether it’s a belief in separability and mechanism, or connection and holism.  Both and all are valuable and have a purpose.
  • Humans aren’t passive receptacles for disease, and instead are a result of a constant interaction with our internal and external environment.  Our experience of health is mediated by many important factors such as thoughts, emotions, daily activities (or lack of), the quality of our relationships, what we eat and drink, how we move our bodies and spines (or not), and our energy state.
  • Our bodies were made to be healthy and heal.
  • The time, money, and experiences we have invested in for our health over the course of our lives through today are important and are benefitting us now.
  • Positivity and health spread as quickly or more quickly than illness and disease.
  • There is something inside each of us that is powerful, bright, good, constructive, creative, and loving, and revealing that you and seeing it in others needs to be THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.  Whether through Network Spinal, a meditation practice, your chosen profession, the way you care about others, and any combination of these and many more.
  • Humans are inherently social and need interaction and touch.
  • You are important, you are necessary, and you are valued!

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you!  What are you a stand for, this week?  What are you “for”?  Please comment below <3

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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