get your house cleaned

Get your house cleaned

Is it creeping up on you?


Good morning, New Day!  

Do you get your house cleaned?

I just started hiring professional cleaners about a year ago.  This has been a very interesting and cool experience for me, especially because I actually worked cleaning homes for a living for many years before becoming a chiropractor.  I have very much enjoyed experiencing how having this structure in place keeps my life and relationships in order!

Whether you have hired a housekeeper, or you clean the house yourself, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to what I’m about to share with you.

Have you noticed, if you’ve hired a housekeeper or if you have a specific routine around housekeeping, how tempting it is to try to push it off onto the next week?

I noticed myself doing this last week.  I was thinking, “I don’t really notice it being THAT messy around here.  And I’ve been keeping up with it pretty well.  No one’s coming over here, so no one will see it anyway.  I should save the money and push the cleaning off to the following week when I REALLY need it.”

In the moment, it just feels like a temporary windfall of $100+.  You don’t think of the potential negative consequences of this decision.  You know you’ll be able to make it through to the following week and that it probably won’t be that big of a deal.  You even feel like you’re being more responsible!

And when we put off receiving the routine help we need, everything always seems to work out.  We make it through.  But at what cost?

There is a cost to you in every moment, every day when you have less time and energy because things are less clean, less organized, and just generally less good than they could have been. 

Especially when we begin to notice this and catch ourselves thinking, “just a few more days!  I can make it!”  Now we are officially outside the energy-rich experience of optimizing and inside the experience of survival.  We’re focused on holding on for one more day.  And when that next cleaning does come, it takes more time and work to get back to where we once were.

Why do I tell you all of this?

Don’t put off tending to the house of your body and spine!

We may think we’re saving money by delaying the care that keeps us clear, organized, relaxed, and focused.  But the cost is all the times when we weren’t receiving that benefit.  It would be difficult to quantify, but there is an undeniable cost that shows up in every area of our lives. 

And it creeps up on us.  One day we may feel like everything is “under control,” and we are just being responsible delaying our care until (fill in the blank) happens.  Suddenly we wonder where the last few months went.  And we realize that we haven’t felt that same sense of progress in our health and our lives.  It just feels like we’ve been in the hampster wheel of life and everything has been a stressful blur.

This holiday season (and all the time!) I recommend you continue to keep the structures in place that support you to be your best, not just to get by and hope we can catch up later.  You will be amazed how being in that process of optimizing carries over into all areas of life.

Your care is a process, through which you get to benefit more and differently over time as you and your life change.  You can’t be in that process if you’re putting off your care, benefitting only episodically.

We consider it an honor, Dr. Virginia and I, to help you in that process week after week, year after year.  We encourage you to be good to yourself, and allow us to help you keep your body and spine “house” clean now and into the coming year 🙂

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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