One thing the fire department WON’T help you with

Good morning, New Day lovelies!  Today I want to discuss something very important with you that has come up in numerous conversations I have had with you, our community members.  Have you ever been in a car accident of any type?  Many, if not most of you, have.  And if you haven’t, surely you know someone who has.

Despite the fact that there was an accident, many folks are out there walking around with the impression that this trauma had little or no impact on their spine and nervous system.  Maybe because they “walked away without a scratch,” or maybe because they didn’t have pain immediately after the accident, or maybe because the pain or problem they are having now doesn’t seem linked to this event in any obvious way, they think there isn’t an issue.

Worst and most misleading of all is when people tell me that they were checked out by EMTs, emergency room staff, or medical doctors after their collision and told that they were “fine” and that therefore there is no injury or issue.  You trust them, and why wouldn’t you?  They’re doctors.  They would tell you if there’s a problem. Besides, it’s a huge relief that there’s nothing wrong right?  WRONG.

I know sometimes the tone of my blogs is very light and fun, but this time I am laying something very important and serious on you.  There is virtually no way any type of motor vehicle accident or collision, no matter how big or small, did not cause a tremendous amount of stress on your brain, nervous system, and body.  And if you aren’t getting your spine checked by a chiropractor on a regular basis to ensure proper functioning, that stress may still be affecting you in ways that might surprise you.

So why would a doctor tell you that you’re fine?  And what does this have to do with the Fire Department?  Let me tell you.

The medical profession is primarily focused on big, blazing fires.  Like the fire department, they find fires that threaten to immediately destroy the structure, and put those fires out as fast as possible.  The “fires” they are looking for on an xray or other imaging after you’ve been in a car accident include fractures, dislocations, contusions, and the like.  If there’s no big fire to put out, it’s a relief for everyone involved, and that’s great.  Surgeries and medications are the firehoses of the medical profession.  If you don’t need one of these, they’ll send you on your way.  If you don’t need one of these and you keep complaining anyway, you’ll be sent to a PT.

The problem is that there are many warning signs that wouldn’t register as a large or even a medium sized fire.  The medical profession, great as they are at putting out fires, did not spend years training how to recognize misalignments in the spine that keep the brain and body from being in proper communication and cause stress on the nervous system.

Furthermore, difficulty sleeping, feeling of heaviness, low energy, anxiety, difficulty focusing, dizziness or vertigo, jaw clenching, body aches, and chronic tension could all be signs of nervous system dysfunction following a stressful event.

Unless you’ve got a fire, and likely a sizable one, calling the fire department won’t help you.  If you had cracks in the foundation of your home, you wouldn’t call the fire department.  You could, but they wouldn’t help you.  And you wouldn’t want to wait too long to address a structural problem, because eventually it may turn into a “fire,” so to speak.

Instead, make sure you are making proper use of the carpenters, contractors, plumbers, and other home services professionals in your life– the chiropractors!– to address the issues before they become even more serious.  We are here to build you up and make sure things are working their best!

Have you been in a car accident in the past and thought the impact was negligible, either because you didn’t notice pain right away or because medical doctors said you were fine?  Or has this happened to someone you know? Please, let them know that they should be checked out be a chiropractor.


Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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