Contributing to others this holiday season

Happy holidays, New Day!

There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”

I’m sure you have all sorts of ways of helping people– lending a hand to a friend, donating your time and money, etc.  But what about recommending something to them that could change their life?

This holiday season, as we begin our Holiday Gift promotion, I want to encourage you to reach out to someone, it might even be someone you don’t know that well, and give them the gift of experiencing Network Care.  Every year, as a holiday gift, we give you the opportunity to give an initial visit of care to someone in your life who could benefit from being part of this community.

This benefits us, because we get to meet and help new people, and we get to feel good about giving to you, our practice members.  This benefits you, because you get to give something at no cost to you to someone you know.  Worst case scenario, the person isn’t interested and thanks you anyway.  Best case scenario, you get to be a hero in someone’s life!

And the benefit to you that you probably haven’t considered, is how contributing to someone else actually helps YOU in your care.



Do you ever start something new, feel really excited about it, and then eventually find that it’s become predictable and routine?  I know I do!

Maybe that’s even something that happened for you with your Network Care at New Day, at different points along the way.  You started out desperately wanting and needing an improvement. And then after some time has passed and you had improved a lot, your perspective changes and you lost some excitement.

And while it is a major improvement to go from treating your spinal care as a new treat for your body to having it be a regular part of a healthy lifestyle, we sometimes forget how far we’ve come.

Every day practice members like you tell me how the pain they used to have is gone and they now experience peace and freedom.  You tell me that you’re forgiving people in your life, feeling more confident, attracting new clients, and creating amazing artwork, for example.  All these things (and so many more!) you have created through the healing work we do together.  I get to re-experience that sense of wonderment every day through working with you!

Sometimes we get so used to the new, empowering realities we’ve created through our healing that we forget that any one of the changes we’ve experienced through care would be a miracle for so many of the people in our lives.  Imagine what would shift for your friends, family, and co-workers if they felt the way we felt!

By sharing, YOU get to re-experience anew that sense of freedom, ease, and possibility through your gift recipients!  All these reasons are why we have our biggest promotion of the year during the holidays, as a gift that benefits us all. After all, remember that stage 12 of Donald Epstein’s 12 Stages of Healing is Community 🙂


Holiday gift to our practice members

To say “thank you” to our practice members this holiday season, we are doing a special “holiday gift promotion.” This gift is an opportunity for you to gift an initial visit of care to a friend, family member, co-worker, boss, etc, who lives in the area and could benefit from our care.  This gift is at no cost to you or them!

How it works

Simply bring in the names and mailing addresses of those you would like to give a gift to, and we will send them a holiday card with a gift certificate for their initial visit and follow up report ($150 value) and a letter that explains how to schedule their appointment.  You can sign the card and write a little note if you like, so that your friend will know it’s from you and will feel excited to call us!

Do you know someone who could really use some healing?

Even if the changes you’ve created in your health and life since starting care at New Day have become routine for you, chances are they wouldn’t be for someone you know who’s been accepting their pain and situation for way too long.  Or maybe you have people in your life who have seen the changes in you since you’ve started care, and they’re curious to see what Network Care is about!  Now is the time to share with them!

And to make it even easier

We know that remembering to bring names and addresses to your appointment could be challenging! If you think of someone, and would like us to address your gifts and sign your cards for you, we can do that too! Just email or call us to submit your gift recipients to us!

You are so much better than you were a year ago! And we have the gift of truly knowing that in our bones. We look forward to welcoming anyone you would like to share that gift with.

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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