Paleo diets– fad, or legit?

Good morning, New Day!

Whether you are a New Day practice member, friend or neighbor, or just someone reading our newsletters and blogs, you may have noticed that I don’t spend much, if any, time talking about what you should and shouldn’t be eating.

Such a big part of Network Care is about helping your nervous system connect so that your body can heal and you can have the focus and energy to do what’s right for you (not blindly subscribing to the the next program or diet).

But those who know me know that I have always been very interested in diet and exercise. For most of my life I plugged along with a moderately healthy diet, making a tweak here and there.

A major turning point came for me about 10 years ago.

I had been seeing my chiropractor in Evanston, Dr. Liz, for Network Care for about a year and was getting extraordinary results (rather, as extraordinary as they could be, considering the negative affects of the grad student lifestyle on my health!)

She and her business partner had recently been to a nutrition seminar and were a-buzz about everything they had learned.  Knowing my interest in these things they shared an audio with me from a Dr. James Chestnut about the “Innate Diet and Lifestyle.” In it, Dr. Chestnut spoke compellingly about a diet and lifestyle that mimicked that of pre-historic paleolithic hunter-gatherers.

I’m not even sure if the term “paleo diet” had yet entered the popular vernacular.  If it had, I certainly hadn’t heard of it.  I mainly ate a vegetarian diet, that in addition to being heavy on the vegetables was also heavy with grains, dairy, and sugar. I had never heard of the concept of cutting these things out of my diet and adding in more meat and vegetables.

As someone who loves trying new things and testing myself with challenges, I was eager to jump on board and did so with a month-long dietary cleanse.

You may have often heard my description of my first time receiving Network Care and the ways it completely re-arranged my feeling in my body and relationship with life in general. It was the first “spiritual” experience I think I was ever aware of in that it helped me tap into something beyond the ordinary. I still get chills thinking about the impact this work has on me and the world!

Now, secondary to my experience of being in Network Care (and really BECAUSE of it), I had my major turning point with my diet and health at this point. When I stopped drinking milk and eating bread, yogurt, and the like, and subscribed to these new concepts, my world changed forever!

I had less pain in my body than ever, my skin improved, and chronic infections disappeared.  Seasonal allergies and sensitivities to smells, which had plagued me since childhood but had lessened somewhat with beginning Network Care, were now completely gone. I have not had a single experience of symptoms around pollen, dust, perfumes, or any other allergens in 10 years.

More than just a “fad” diet that has us adhering to a rigid structure of what to eat and what not to eat, paleo is a lifestyle that encourages us to eat and do what innately supports our ability to be active and energized.

It is often said in the entrepreneurship literature that to be successful, one must study successful people and what they do, and implement that.  Paleo diet and lifestyle tells us that instead of studying what makes people fat or sick, why not study some of the healthiest people who ever lived and do what they do?

Even if you are convinced that paleo diet isn’t for you, or that you know everything there is to know about paleo eating and living, my goal is for you to come away from our May Community Dinner with a fresh perspective on the how and why of paleo and why it makes sense through a Network Care/Reorganizational Healing lens.

At our Community Dinner, we welcome New Day practice members, family, friends, and neighbors to join us for a night of education, delicious food, and community!

We will be raffling off a gift certificate for a 1­hour massage with

Heather Fraelick, LMT!

Attendees are welcome to bring up to 3 adult guests.

You will receive an additional raffle entry for each guest that you bring!

Dinner talk topic: “Paleo diet and lifestyle; why it’s not just a fad”

The New Day Community Dinner will take place

Wednesday, May 18th @ 6pm

4600 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago

Fork Restaurant

Event cost: $20 OR­ FREE when you bring 1+ adult guests!

Please RSVP by calling: 773­340­2228 or email

Our community dinners are one of my FAVORITE events at New Day, and I’m really looking forward to presenting on this topic. Don’t forget to RSVP by this Saturday, May 14th for you and your guests.  We look forward to seeing you then!

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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