Like you’re switching between 2 stations
And you HATE one of the stations 😅
Good evening, New Day! I hope you enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to the week to come ✨
I receive a lot of questions from clients, especially newer clients, about the healing process with Network Spinal and what they should expect.
Of course it is always acknowledged that “everyone is different” (different trauma histories, different lives, different medical and healing histories, different stressors, different anatomy, etc)
This can make generalization difficult, but not impossible. There are some “stages” that apply to everyone that it can help to be aware of.
In Donny Epstein’s work (which my work with you is based upon), there is a theory that there are 12 Stages of healing (he wrote a book about this in the 1990s which I do highly recommend!).
The “stages” need not always be linear and sequential. But especially in the early stages, they can be.
Consider Stage 1, which can be thought of as suffering and disconnection/disassociation.
I’ve seen Stage 1 express a couple of ways. The first way is that you are basically suffering, distracted, and weighed down by pain or some undesirable state, ALL THE TIME.
Sometimes when we are disassociating, we might say, and even think, that we are
“Fine! I’m doing fine!”
The other (related) way that Stage 1 can be evident is when you are completely disassociated from your body and the correpsonding life experience.
Sometimes when we are disassociating we might say, and even think, that we are actually “Fine! I’m doing fine!” 😅 #actualtranscriptofyourefusingtofeelyourfeelings
When we are functioning, feeling, and perceiving life in Stage 1, the healing breakthrough we are looking for is awareness of the lack of awareness. Getting related ☀️
Network Spinal, at this point in the life of your nervous system, is helping by shedding much needed light on things– physically and otherwise.
And even though on some level we’ve been avoiding this (hence the disconnection/disassociation), it does come with a sense of relief, both physically and emotionally.
An analogy I would use is the way a person can feel relieved when they go online and check their bank account balance when they haven’t in a long time.
Even if it ends up being confirmation of what you suspected, it’s still a relief to see the facts right there on the screen than to continue in avoidance and dread 😱😰😅😂
What comes next, Stage 2, is the reason I am writing this message to you right now 💥💥💥
There are many, many of you reading this that are needing a breakthrough in with this right now!
What comes next, Stage 2, is the reason I am writing this message to you right now ✨
The experience in Stage 2 starts out really good. You have noticed that sometimes you feel a little better!
Your posture might be a little better, your pain might be a little less, you might feel less anxious and overwhelmed.
But at other times you feel worse/the same as you used to.
It’s like your nervous system now has access 2 two TV channels. This is wayyyyy better than 1 or 0 channels. But the experience becomes extremely limiting.
Better. Worse. Better. Worse. And all the while working up more and more hatred for the “worse” experience/channel 😂🙏
“If only I could just feel like this ALL THE TIME” you say to yourself whenever you’re feeling better. You then decide to double down on even more Network Spinal and the other things you’re doing for wellness, in an attempt to block out the hated pain channel 😅
This was me a couple months after I started Network Spinal care in the mid 2000s. I had gotten some significant “breathing room” from some of my initial issues, LOL.
Now, if only the good days could eclipse out the bad ones, I reasoned, then I’d be able to move forward in my grad program as a perfect, hard-working, brilliant and accomplished (but also cool and making it look easy!) person all the time 😂😱🙏
On the days when I was on the pain channel I somehow felt both frantic, and more dejected 😰
Does any of this sound familiar to you with your nervous system, body, life, experience of healing, etc? ☀️💕☀️
When we need a breakthrough in Stage 2 (but are feeling and functioning in the compromised state that goes along with Stage 2) we always think a breakthrough involves 1) doubling down on what we are already doing to fully kick out the bad feelings that we don’t want OR 2) Switching to a new technique or healing modality (since this one’s not working all the way!)
But, as Einstein has famously pointed out, “The problem cannot be solved by the same consciousness that created the problem.” ✨🌍🌀
The Stage 2 breakthrough is to CONNECT WITH your polarity (NOT to “fix” or “get rid of” your polarity!)
Our culture and society are are filled with unresolved Stage 2 experiences– so it makes sense that many of us get stuck here with our healing (hello, election cycle! hello, pain pills! hello, weight loss followed by weight gain).
I actually think that a big reason Network Spinal helps many people more than other modalities BECAUSE there is a breakthrough in this limiting Stage 2 experience of polarity.
Other modalities and practitioners may tell you, when you hit this point, that you “just need more care.” And you might do as they recommend, and you definitely might feel that the increased frequency or intensity is helping you more.
But you might also have a lingering sense of exhaustion and fear because until there’s a deeper healing, the return of pain and problems will always be just around the corner 😱
What’s actually needed is a renewed focus and a higher energy state for moving forward. Not so that we can override your issues or distract you from them, but so that we can see the bigger picture 🌄
Just like in Stage 1, where getting related to our disconnection and suffering is actually what re-connected us and had us feel relief, now we must get related to the polarity, this bouncing between 2 ways of feeling, focusing, functioning, thinking.
You need to be ready to get to know these 2 channels, these 2 versions, these 2 personas. It’s like there’s 2 you’s and you need to know them and connect with them both! THAT’S the breakthrough 💥💥💥
A short-cut to knowing you’re in Stage 2 is when you say that you “still” have your same initial problems
Let me give you an example of this healing phenomenon.
I recently did a reassessment with a young woman who “feels better” after several months of care with me. Especially soon after her appointments.
“But I still have a lot of pain and discomfort in my shoulder and neck” she insisted. (By the way, a short-cut to knowing you’re in Stage 2 is when you say that you “still” have your same initial problems) 😰
When we looked at the posture pictures from her initial visit compared to recently, the improvements were extremely clear to both of us.
Her neck and upper back were longer and better aligned. Her head and shoulders were more symmetrical. The woman was very relieved to see this (another Stage 2 tip-off– we are always QUITE relieved when practitioners reassure us that we are, in fact, getting better 😅).
And then there’s the big picture 🌍
The version of her, expressing through her nervous system in the first picture, was clearly suffering. The version expressing through her nervous system in the second picture looked calm and poised; like looking at 2 different people 🖤🤍
Her homework, and yours, is to become aware of your two “versions.” Your time on the table receiving care, focused attention when you’re out in your life, and Stage 2 breathwork can all help you with this ✨✨✨
Even just seeing the photos of herself and having the conversation about this is helping create a breakthrough for this client ✨💗✨
By becoming aware, acknowledging, and accepting this back-and-forth you’ve been living in, you will effortlessly free up the energy to become aware of what’s lying underneath the experience, so that we can heal THAT 💥💥💥 #stage3and4hereweare!
Thank you so much for engaging in this process, sunshine. You make New Day, your families, and the world, a better place ☀️💗🌀💥🌍
I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments with me, this week and beyond💖
Here’s a pretty old video of me demonstrating, and describing, the Stage 2 breath exercise. Do it on your own so that you can get to know your 2 versions 😊