Speaking of an experience. . . how about the smell of Agua De Florida!

Speaking of an experience. . .
how about the smell of Agua De Florida!



Smell is a very important (and often underutilized) sense that stimulates us emotionally through our nervous systems.


Smell has always been huge for me!


So when I discovered Young Living Essential Oils soon before opening New Day 11 years ago, I knew that the oils would become a big part of the work that I do with people.


Hence, I put the oils on you sometimes. And I diffuse essential oils around the office in diffusers 🌀✨🌀


A special addition I have made since opening the NEW New Day last year is a splash of Florida water in each diffuser, with the water and with the essential oils, every day.


So many of you have been asking about this lately, so I thought I’d share about it!


Florida Water is popularly used by South American shamans for healing and to clear energy.


In fact, Peru is a great place to stock up on Florida Water! You can find it anywhere, including convenience stores and bodegas because it’s that widely used.


THIS is the haul from the October trip I took to Peru with the Awakened Souls group (I’ve already used all of that up though 😂)


Florida Water has a lovely, flowery scent that is both refreshing and yet also somehow. . . sophisticated?


I found a nice article about the history of Florida Water HERE


By putting a splash of it into my oil diffusers with the Young Living Essential Oils every day, this creates a scent that is beautiful, healing, and, I find, longer lasting than simply diffusing essential oils alone.


My experiences and training in the Awakened Souls group (we are going on another retreat together in Michigan this coming weekend!), and in Peru have this be a very healing scent for me and perfect for this new chapter I am in with you at the NEW New Day on Floral Avenue 🌷✨🌷✨


You can purchase Florida Water on Amazon. But just be careful not to accidentally order the Florida Water Cologne instead! I find it a bit stronger and not as easy to use. You are looking for the one that is clearish-yellow (NOT clearish-blue!)


I’ve also heard that they have it at Malliway Bros. if you’d like to support a local business and can get down/over to RoPo 😊✨🌷


Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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