Stop “working on it”
Find your winning formula 💥
Good morning, Sunshine! Thank you for staying connected and opening this message 💓
I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m still flying high from last week’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting (they DID give me a giant scissors!)
It was SO MUCH FUN seeing so many of you, and getting to introduce New Day to a group of newcomers. Plus, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect (photos below!) 👯✂️🌤️
I pretty much went straight from that momentum-filled turn of events to driving to Michigan for the weekend to be part of a retreat with a group I’ve been part of. The retreats give us a chance to take time out of our lives and re-ground in spiritual practices in nature 🌲🌊
There has been a little bit more activity with the group lately because we are preparing for a trip to Peru together at the end of October (yes y’all! I’m going to Peru! More on that soon!)
At the retreat this weekend I had the opportunity to weave Network Spinal adjustments and Focused Breath into the activities of the weekend. I love contributing in this way and getting to be creative.
Michigan 😍. . . it’s not just the bizzaro Wisconsin 😂
Labyrinth 🌀🌀🌀
Spine time! ⚡⚡⚡
One theme that emerged for me during the weekend is how we approach our health, healing and transformation. Something I felt like I heard over and over again from the other attendees was about how they felt they were “working on it.”
(“It” could be ” healing the inner child, healing people-pleasing tendencies, healing relationships with family, healing our diets and relationships with food, etc)
In my recollection, Tony Robbins and Donny Epstein both have been quick to criticize the “working on” mentality and way of being 😮
To “work on” is to get lost in the process, endlessly living in our wounds and focused on ourselves, rather than bringing an energy-rich focus on attaining results and moving forward in service to the communities we are part of.
Donny’s most recent iterations of Network Spinal and his breath-work practice SRI are meant to connect the nervous system and liberate energy as quickly as possible to get us into the experience– and out of the energy-neutral process of trying to GET TO the experience 💥💗🌍
Then again, we know that there clearly IS a place for process for process-sake.
I recently saw a quote on Instagram from Zig Ziglar saying “People say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” There’s a certain process we have to be in just to maintain baseline health in this culture and society! 😱😂🙏
On Sunday morning I was thrilled to be asked to lead the group in a couple of Focused Breath practices (my spin on Donny’s breath work). I used it as an opportunity to honor both orientations– the slower and more process-oriented followed by the quicker, “less talking, more doing” way of experiencing.
☀️ Do you sometimes feel like you’re lost in a healing process that seems to have no end?
☀️ Would you like some guidance through that process, with tips for ways of breathing and focusing outside New Day to move things along? Let’s find YOUR winning formula for using your breath and focus!
☀️ Or, would you like to feel what it would be like to jump ahead? To be in a totally different place with your spine, body, and life experience and see how that experience could help inspire change?
My Focused Breath class on September 30th is meant for ANYONE in the New Day community who wants to “work on” (haha!) all this and more ☀️🌬️☀️🌬️☀️