Power on blog, happy hour and Saturdays


“Power on! And the rest is up to you.” 💥



We don’t want to be caught in a hamster wheel 🐹


Good afternoon, New Day. Thank you for for bringing your focus and presence to this email. I can feel the connection 💥


When I was at “The Gate” a few weeks ago, Donny Epstein’s event for Network Spinal community worldwide, Donny Epstein himself took the time to work with me. As usual, it was an awesome experience!


At the end of the adjustment, just before walking away, Donny said to me, “The power is on! The rest is up to you.”


“Power on,” for those of you who don’t know (and I don’t see why any of you would know this already!) is an old-timey chiropractic cliché that is still in occasional use.


The phrase harkens back to the original days of chiropractic, back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when the idea behind chiropractic was to unite “man the physical with man the spiritual” through adjusting the spine and restoring the flow of energy through the nerves of the spine and body ✨🌍🌀 #thebigidea


And so a chiropractor might say, “Power on!” to a patient right after adjusting them. 


I know, it might sound a little cheesy 🧀


But keep in mind that this was their way of reminding the patient about the BIG PICTURE with chiropractic; this isn’t about “getting your back cracked” or making pain go away. This is about human potential, energy, aliveness, and possibility 💥💥


When Donny said, “And the rest is up to you,” it really got me thinking of just how easy it can sometimes be to accidentally go right back into our same old routines, activities, emotions, body postures, and thoughts right after an adjustment! 😱


The rest IS up to us. I can’t control what you do when you leave New Day. Sometimes you might not have control over it either 🚗❄️🌨️🤱📱


I trust that no matter what, my care provides a much-needed interruption and a course-correction in the trajectory of your week. At the very least.


But beyond the weekly energy-rich weekly zap, as it were, there are many of us here who could really benefit from consciously engaging in a process of increased awareness and improvement through your care.


Even with something as inherently transformational as Network Spinal and as energy-rich as the New Day community, it is certainly still possible to get stuck in a little bit of a hamster wheel 🐹🙃




We don’t want you to ever feel like you’ve been walking in and out of here for weeks and months with nothing tangible to show for it in the end.


This is why I am SO GLAD that so many of us are engaging our higher brains and doing the Wonderbook process for the next 12 weeks (now 11 weeks)!


We are at max capacity for participation (we have 50 sunshines participating!!) ☀️👯‍♀️☀️👯‍♀️


If you didn’t pipe up that you wanted to be included, and/or you weren’t here last week, it’s ok though.


This is a trial run and I am using this experience to learn how this can help you and me. There will be more processes for us in our future!


I do actually think EVERYONE (including those who are not participating directly) will benefit from the sense of energy and group-momentum around the Wonderbooks ☀️


It’s definitely adding to the vibe here already!!


It is a joy to work with you Bright Souls who take every opportunity possible to work collaboratively with me, co-creating new stimulation and inspiration for your nervous system and life week by week 💥☀️💗🌀🌍


Looking forward to seeing you here this week tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (NO Saturday this week though!) 💖



Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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