This is a place of transformation 💥💥💥


This is a place of transformation 💥💥💥



You can feel it when you walk through the door ✨🏡✨


Happy Sunday, sunshine. Thank you for shining so brightly today 😊☀️💕


This past week I found myself feeling very aware of the healing properties of the very space we meet in at my office/home New Day. Even more so than usual! 💗


It’s such a huge blessing that we all have this place where we can breathe, get present, and get the feelings, focus, and awarenesses we need through our nervous systems so that we can be the best for the world that we can be each week



Some years ago I remember reading about how Starbucks marketing executives conceptualized Starbucks as an important “third place” in people’s lives.


Customers had home and work as their first two places. But the third place exists as something special between home and work that helps people structure their lives, bringing happiness, stress-relief, and even a sense of belonging 👯‍♀️


The benefits of the “third place” even expand over time; week by week layering on more positive experiences so that all the customer needs to do is think of Starbucks and they start to feel the benefits 💚☕️✨  


New Day is a “third place” for so many. And even more so than Starbucks or a coffee shop in many ways, because what we have here is inherently healthy and nourishing (rather than addicting coffee drinks 😂)


Even if you haven’t been to New Day in weeks, months, or years, your nervous system reconnects to all your positive associations, releases, rearrangements, breakthroughs, and awakenings that you’ve EVER had through me, and the care, and the place itself as soon as you come back in for an adjustment, workshop, or event  ✨🏡💗☀️🌍


I look forward to seeing you this week! I see clients for care Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and early Saturday AM this week 💥


This is also a pivotal week for re-anchoring the transformational benefits of this care and this place in that Intro to Care is on Wednesday night, and Focused Breath is on Saturday. You can register for these on the scheduling system as well 😊


Have a magical Sunday and rest of the week! Thank you for being part of this place, New Day 🏡💖





Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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