What you appreciate. . .

What you appreciate. . .


appreciates ✨✨✨




Good morning, sunshine on a cloudy day 💕☀️🌷 Happy Wednesday.


Walking in GRATITUDE. . . this is such an important part of healing, transformation, and any sort of spiritual path. As well as any sort of non-stressful and happy life if you ask me!


We hear about the need to be grateful all the time.


It’s all over our social media feeds. . . (and I’m thankful for you, masters Wayne, Eckhart, and Oprah 😂)





I had a realization around this the other day that I wanted to share with you all.


It was this past Saturday morning at 8:30AM.


I was in the adjusting room at New Day, seeing clients for their visits from 8-10AM, before an 11AM Focused Breath workshop.


And at 8:30AM I found myself standing in the adjusting room alone, with no clients on the schedule again until 9AM.


Just before that, at 8AM, I had two clients on the tables.


One of them lives within a block of New Day here in Skokie.


The other lives in LEMONT, ILLNOIS! As in 35 miles away, South Suburban, Lemont, IL 😂😂😂


I started to think. “How many people live between here and Lemont? Through 35 miles of city and suburban driving, how many other towns and neighborhoods would I pass? How many streets? How many homes?”


“Are there thousands of people between here and Lemont? There might actually be millions of people. Millions of people who are closer to here than Lemont. . . “


Perhaps inspired by marketing genius–Ms. Lemont herself– Dana Magnus, I found myself with my marketing cap on as I continued to stand there alone, thinking.


“Considering there may be millions of people between here and Lemont, aka millions of people who are in some kind of position to be a Sunshine here at New Day, (and some of them potentially MUCH more easily than @thedanamagnus), why isn’t this adjusting room bursting with people right now?”


“To what extent does this situation, the fact that there aren’t more people in front of me at this moment, represent a FAILURE of my marketing?” 😱😮🙏



My mind continued to spin with these new and somewhat disturbing revelations.


“Ok sure, it is 8:30AM on a Saturday. Early mornings are not everyone’s cup of tea, and I know that,” I thought first.


And another schedule challenge is that I’m not available more than 2-3 Saturdays a month. Which is somewhat of a hinderance for clients who are coming weekly because you can’t count on it every week.


Also, while there may be millions of people between here and Lemont, not all of them can afford my care (I think it’s a bargain considering what you get out of it, but if you’re choosing between food and my care, it’s not going to work).


Many more of them don’t fit into the “target market,” so to speak.


While we well know, and have seen, that anyone of any age and gender can benefit from having a healthy spine and nervous system, there are certain people who are most attracted to New Day and who are therefore in the best position to benefit (young people, women of all ages, fellow entreprenuers, and “seeker” types interested in healing and transformation).


But that would still leave thousands, if not millions of people. And I love helping people 😭😭😭


Perhaps at this point in time Network Spinal isn’t for everyone. I’ve mused on this before


As I looked around at the adjusting room I realized, as I do multiple times a day, that it’s just so beautiful!


The color, and the light coming in! There’s the lovely smells. The great music. To say nothing of the care, shouldn’t there also just be a lot of people who would pay to be here right now feeling good? Breathing this fresh air and having someone touching them for 20 minutes?



Luckily, my thoughts were interrupted by my next client.


(Isn’t it interesting how quickly our thoughts can go to some version of “there’s something wrong here! And I need to fix it!!” when we aren’t otherwise engaged in something productive 😂😅🙏)


The client who walked in is a New Day community member of many years. She recently returned to New Day after some time spent living out of the country. She decided to see me for care intensively for.a month before moving back out of the country again.


After I got done working with her, and she sat on the BEMER, I had a moment to talk with her.


I asked her, “So, you’ve been doing care again for a couple of weeks now. And you have a couple more weeks left to go before you leave. How do you feel like coming here has been helping you so far?”


Let it be known that I actually was not fishing for compliments! 😂


In the case of this particular client, I really wanted to know her thoughts on progress because we don’t have much time left together.


And just generally when we get the chance, it is always illuminating to hear your perspectives on how working with me helps you, as it helps me focus and re-focus on helping you best 💥☀️💗


She responded without any hesitation, “I just love the experience! I love coming up here. I love being here. It’s very soothing and calming. It’s helping me a lot right now. Also– how many other times are you just laying on your stomach resting, with no distractions, just focusing on healing yourself? I like that I don’t have to do anything! I don’t have to try, I don’t have to practice, I just get to experience and receive. And there’s just something about being here as one of 3 people on the tables. It’s really a spiritual experience.” (She probably said more, and this isn’t an exact quote but I know for sure that she made these points).


To say that these remarks from this woman were the gentle slap-in-the-face that I needed would be putting it mildly! 🙏💛✨


As Tony Robbins says, “What you appreciate appreciates


I am incredibly grateful for the way this Network Spinal care and this practice community seems to attract the most energy-rich and GRATEFUL clients. I am soooo GRATEFUL to all of you for choosing more for yourself and your life.


Trust me, your continued excitement and gratitude is part of what has my care continue to help you so much, and in so many different ways, over time 🌀


Thank you for choosing me to be part of that process with you! I get so much fuel for my creativity from you 💥💖☀️🌀🌍


And of course, thank you for reading, New Day! When I write these messages every week, no matter what I write about, it is a time when I am thinking of you and appreciating you ✨


Make sure to schedule your care (and read below about additional hours being added on Thursdays!)

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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