Dirt road to happiness, safety, and comfort?

Dirt road to happiness, safety, and comfort?



Let’s PAVE that ****


Hey there, New Day sunshines! What a glorious weekend! Welcome to the next week of the rest of your life ✨✨✨


I had a wonderful weekend at a retreat in Michigan with the Awakened Soul group that I am part of. This is a small but powerful group of women who do spiritual work together, practicing in the tradition of Peruvian Shamanism 🦙🌊🌄🔥🌀💗


Going on a retreat every 3-4 months is a necessary part of my healing and wellbeing, and ability to do the work that I do with you every week (there are many other necessary parts as well!)


And yet I remember how it was for me a few years ago when I first became part of the group, when the idea of spending time and money on a retreat in nature felt overly decadent, to say the least.


Yes, even though I am often in the position of trying to help you and my clients understand that care for the spine and nervous system is NECESSARY for healthy life, I have also still found myself being stingy about it or judging myself for the time and money I have spent taking care of myself 😱😱😱


We need to change this!


A private beach near Montague Michigan. So beautiful! I hope the fresh air and the sounds of birds are
jumping off the screen for you right now 😊


Rest and care for our bodies and our nervous systems IS a productive use of time and money 💥💥💥


Your daily, weekly, and every-few-months-or-so practices fuel you to have the impact you want and need to have in this life, whether it’s with your family, your clients, or on a larger stage ☀️💗🌍


This week, let’s celebrate and recognize the ways that we take care of ourselves, and the positive impact we have on ourselves and others by doing so.


I remember hearing Tony Robbins say that neurologically most of us have a “dirt road to happiness” and a “super highway” to stress, pain, disappointment, anger, etc. (choose your favorite flavor of suffering 😂)


For the most part, the world teaches us to practice our suffering (and validates us for doing it). Suffering becomes anchored into our neurology, becoming easier and easier to access at the slightest provocation or triggering.


When you come to New Day (or do the other activities you do with your team of healing practitioners! It takes a village!), you are PRACTICING and anchoring into your nervous system the ability to experience connection, empowerment, peace, release, possibility, belonging, and so much more 🤗 #favoriteflavorsofhappiness


Your rest and care IS productive!


Dirt road to happiness?


This week, and into the future, let’s pave that ****!


💖 Dr. Katie


We even went in the water (so cold! yet so refreshing!)



Sunset over lake Michigan

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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