Story time is OVER πŸ’₯

Story time is OVER πŸ’₯



Experiencing time is here!


Good afternoon, sunshines! Thanks for staying connected with me and opening this message ✨✨✨


This past weekend I was able to make time for something so gratifying, and that makes such a big impact on our lives, that the effects will likely be felt for months to come πŸ’₯


Something so strenuous and involved that it took HOURS of my life to wrap up. I am very proud of myself!


Aren’t you dying to know what it is??


I CLEANED the inside and outsides of all the windows in the whole house– ALL of the windows downstairs in the New Day office, and the kitchen, dining room, and (almost all) upstairs (there are soooo many!) πŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸ€—Β 


(By the way, while this was happening my husband Josh spent hours cleaning the inside and outside of my car! What a treat!! πŸ’ž)


Now that this project is (mostly) done, we can all really soak in the improved experience.


Because that’s the true benefit of a neat, clean, shiny space– the EXPERIENCE ✨✨✨✨


Sure, it’s nice to look around the house at the windows and think to myself, “Wow, what a great job I did! Glad I won’t have to do this again for a few months!” πŸ˜…


And sure, it’s also nice that neighbors walking past may see the clean windows and think, “Wow, someone actually doesΒ care about that old house!” #prideoffloralavenue #flophouseonfloralnomore πŸ˜‚


But the real benefit is that intangible feeling that you get, for example, being in the New Day office with the sunlight coming in so bright and clear, and how that makes you feel πŸ€—πŸ’—πŸŒ·


It’s a tone, it’s a vibe, it’s a feeling, it’s an energy, and it’s an EXPERIENCE πŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸŒ€βœ¨πŸŒπŸŒ·


And ultimately, the experience is what it’s all about. It’s why you come here. . . right???



The smell of fresh lilacs from the window sill– also helping with the EXPERIENCE πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


AndΒ storiesΒ are when are thoughts are strung together in a narrative that we make mean something. Stories are DEFINITELY not experiences πŸ›‘


One of the biggest problems with being “in our stories” (rather than our experiences) is that having a new experience is what’s going to free you and help heal you.


And you can’t have a new experience when you’re waist deep in your story about what’s happening to you and why and what it means and doesn’t mean πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚πŸ™


The reason stories limit us isn’t just that they are inherently “worse,” because they keep you stuck in your brain rather than allowing you to have a sensory experience (of the bright light coming from the windows! The smell of the lilacs, the feeling of your arms and shoulders releasing and becoming lighter, etc!)


Did you know that at about 95 percent of your thoughts are habitual?


As in you’ve had them before– earlier that day, yesterday, the day before, all of last year, and maybe half your life aka #groundhogday πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚πŸ™


Thoughts are habitual, past-based, and they are ADDICTING. We actually do have biochemical addictions to our same old thoughts which bring us certainty, even when they are also evoking dread, fear, anger, and disappointment.


How can you be a whole new you through healing your nervous system, if you continue to default to your same old thoughts about what’s happening to you and why?


The solution is not about muscling your way past your thoughts, trying to force your brain to shut off, or to censor yourself in your thoughts or in sharing them with me.


Having an experience through your nervous system and body that involves your 5 (maybe even more!) senses is the antidote to this βœ¨πŸŒπŸ’—


Network Spinal care, by it’s very design of stimulating your nervous system and body, will do a lot of the “work” of taking you out of your stories and into an experience that will heal you.


I need you to meet me half way though!


Here’s what you can do to help πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Me in Peru last October– world epicenter of FLORIDA WATER availability (see below for more on that!!)


1. When you come in for your appointment, and BEFORE your adjustment– that is a good time to tell me your story about what’s been going on with you and your pain.

2. Notice yourself in the story that you have, how often you think about it and tell it, and how it makes you feel. Your story is indicative of your energy state. Then, after you lay down and finish what you are telling me, story time is OVER πŸ’₯πŸ’›β˜€οΈ

3. While you are on the table getting care, notice how often your brain defaults to habitual thoughts, and allow those thoughts to evaporate when you instead turn your focus to observing your body and feeling sensation, breath, and movement. Repeat as often as necessary! Notice how it becomes easier and easier for you to have an experience as the adjustments go on (during the appointment, and then as time goes on).

4. After your adjustment do not, I repeat, please do NOT launch directly back into what you were telling be before you got on the table for your adjustment πŸ›‘***


***I know it’s a habit, and I know sometimes we might feel like we are supposed to say something after our adjustment and we don’t know what else to say. But bad habits around this will keep you from getting better. Please see my recent blog on this “Don’t kill the vibe!”


“But Dr. Katie,” you might be thinking, “can’t stories be helpful? What if my ‘story’ is positive?” πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”




YES! You are SO right πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯


And the fact that you are even having this thought is a reflection of your higher energy state (and your good habits around story time being over and leaving room for EXPERIENCING!)


Let me give you an example.


Yesterday, I had a follow up sit-down with a Bright Soul who’s been in my care for a good number of months.


As you know if you receive my care on an ongoing basis, when we sit down for a chat about your progress in care and what your goals are, we take a look at some indicators (your subjective experience expressed in your questionnaire, your surface EMG scan, your heart rate variability test, and an analysis of your posture).


But data without interpretation won’t help us very much πŸ˜‚


So as we look at these pieces of data, I get to tell you what I think it means and you get to tell me what you think it means.


Together, we then construct a STORY about what’s happening, and why, and what we want to focus on next πŸ’₯✨πŸ’₯✨


This new story is meant to stem from your experiences of yourself in care, it’s meant to be energizing and meaningful to you, and to guide and empower you through your next set of experiences with me and out in your life βœ¨πŸŒπŸŒ€πŸ’—β˜€οΈ


This new story is relatively easy to create, which is a symptom of your higher energy state and ability to focus on the most helpful things, thanks to the healing you’ve done in your nervous system, spine and body πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


So to summarize, the helpful story is based on you having the new experiences as your nervous system, spine, and body heal, and your practice of this with me (and outside of the office) every week. It is more likely to be “positive” than negative.


But even a positive story can limit you if it’s not authentic and tied to an experience πŸ›‘


Which is why your reassessments with me, and your participation in group experiences such as Focused Breath are so important– this is where we update the story!


My next Focused Breath was created ESPECIALLY for the Bright Souls of New Day, and will be Saturday, June 1st β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ


Sign up now, while there is still space, for a special experience that will give you access to a transformational new story πŸ’ƒ




I create these opportunities to give you more attention and time with me, so that you can go deeper and create more experiences to move you forward in your health and your life.


At this last Focused Breath, we ended up becoming immersedΒ  in the first three “Stages” of the 12 Stages of Healing exercises.


At the June 1st workshop, we will focus on some of the higher Stages of Healing, activating the breath and energy not just to release pain (and our stories about it), but to generate energy for transformation and awakening βœ¨πŸŒπŸŒ€


Click here to go to Jane and sign up for the Focused Breath workshop


There is a limited amount of space available. As the date gets close, and I am able to see the weather forecast, I may open up more spots if it becomes clear that we can have the class outside! πŸ‘β˜€οΈπŸ’—


(And if you find yourself wondering if this experience is appropriate for you in your journey, click here and ask me!


I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments, at Intro to Care, and Focused Breath, next week and beyond πŸ’–









Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinalβ„’ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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