You get to make it your own!

You get to make it your own!



This one is for the Bright Souls ✨


Good morning, New Day ☀ Surprise– here I am coming to you on a Thursday morning for a change (we had houseguests this past weekend, and so I haven’t have time to send a message to you yet!)


Every week I strive to send out a message that is relevant to this New Day community. I always hope to stimulate interest, to engage, and maybe even to inspire!


Some weeks my messages are more for some of you than for others. (Have you ever read my message and thought, “Is DrKatie speaking directly to ME?!” Yes, that does happen 🤗) #youareaninspiration 💗


For example, as I shared last week we currently have A LOT of new sunshines in our community, thanks in part to the suddenly popularity of Network Spinal due to the success of Dr. Scherina on Instagram. And so this situation inspires me to share about a lot of topics that are relevant to those who are new in their journey with healing the nervous system and spine through Network Spinal care.


“Bright Souls” is the informal name I created some years ago to describe the members of our New Day community who have been adding their energy and aliveness to this community for months or YEARS.


That’s right– and not to scare some of you reading this– but I have been in practice for 11 years, and there are some Bright Souls who have been in my care weekly for 10.5 years ☀💥☀


Many times these fine folks started out just like you reading this, just trying out Network Spinal care due to a chronic or longstanding physical or health issue, simple curiosity, proximity, or sheer dumb luck 😂


And they were then surprised to discover that they loved my care so much and it helped them so much and with so many things that they didn’t even expect that they couldn’t imagine their lives without it 👐


Suffice it to say, the Bright Souls of this community disproportionately set the energetic tone and create the culture of this community, which is responsible for attracting and helping so many people ☀


You might be reading this right now and wondering how it can possibly be the case that someone would want or need Network Spinal care with me at New Day that often or for that long. If it works so well, why would you keep needing it?


The reason the Bright Souls are so special is not simply that they’ve been receiving care for a certain amount of time.


What makes Bright Souls Bright Souls is that they have taken what they get from their experience of care week after week and MADE IT THEIR OWN 💥


Allow me to explain ✨✨✨


A little orange interloper visited us this week!


Let me first say that I absolutely love and find value in all the different stages that clients go through in their journey of care with me!


There’s the “Ok, is ANYTHNG happening?” stage.


Then there’s the “Oh my God, SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!” stage.


And don’t forget about the “DrKatie is magic! And as long as I keep getting this care, I’ll be able to stay ahead of my problems!” stage 😂🙏😂🙏


By the way, there’s no set timeframe for going through these stages. It’s different for everyone!


(And it’s also true that you can always circle back to earlier stages depending on your energy state and what you’re dealing with on a given week –believe me, I’ve been in care for about 16 years and I still have “Is there anything happening?” moments #weallhaveourdays 😅)


The pivotal transition from regular client to Bright Soul comes when your relationship to the care, and to me, changes in a major way.



I’ll give you an example.


Yesterday I had a Bright Soul on the table with me who shared that they had recently hurt their knee badly after walking in a different pair of shoes.


During their adjustment, I gave some ideas for visuals and ways of focusing. You might have noticed that sometimes those can just flow out of me 💥🌀💗


Afterward, I texted this client to remind them to ice the knee.


In their response, they asked, “Can I bring back the energy and the healing of our session, just by remembering the session and what you had me visualize in that moment?. . . I want to keep shifting the “pattern of tension” (your words) in my thighs. That feels so powerful. And the “light” from my neck to my knee.”


Of course I encouraged them that their instincts were right on and to do exactly that ✨💥✨💥


By bringing the thoughts, feelings, awarenesses, and visuals that you have during your adjustments with you when you leave New Day, and using them to infuse your experience of your body and life throughout the week, you make it your own.


And as you become more and more active in making the experience of care your own, you recognize that you and your nervous system are the creative linchpin that is moving you forward. I’m just here to help 🤗


Earlier yesterday I was listening to a video of Donny Epstein coaching someone on Zoom.


At one point Donny said that he had heard a story that someone at a yoga training had asked Ram Dass how to choose a good therapist.


Ram Dass allegedly responded that you choose the therapist “who doesn’t think he’s a therapist.”


By this he meant that when someone considers “Therapist” their primary identity (or “doctor,” or “chiropractor,” etc), they aren’t relating to you as an equal and as your relationship as that of two souls actively engaging for their mutual betterment✨🙏💗


Instead, there is one person in the relationship who is above the other. And they are the “hero.” The other person in the dynamic becomes the “victim.” And in this limited experience of life, the “villain” is the only other role that becomes a possibility (see the “Drama Triangle” for more).


None of this is to shirk my responsibility to you as a trained professional with a certain level of experience and education.


BUT, it is a joy to work with you Bright Souls who take every opportunity possible to work collaboratively with me, co-creating new stimulation and inspiration for your nervous system and life week by week 💥☀💗🌀🌍


It is necessary to have a big group of Freshman so that there can eventually be a small group of Seniors that I can go deep with at their adjustments, in these messages, and at workshops and events (metaphorically speaking).


One such opportunity for the “Seniors” is coming up ✨


After the breakthrough success of the last Focused Breath workshop, I will be holding another workshop June 1st. And this one will have special appeal to New Day‘s (self selected) Bright Souls.


I create these opportunities to give you more attention and time with me, so that you can go deeper and create more experiences to move you forward in your health and your life.


At this last Focused Breath, we ended up becoming immersed  in the first three “Stages” of the 12 Stages of Healing exercises.


At the June 1st workshop, we will focus on some of the higher Stages of Healing, activating the breath and energy not just to release pain (and our relationship to it), but to generate energy to transform and awaken ✨🌍🌀


Click here to go to Jane and sign up for the Focused Breath workshop.


There is a limited amount of space available. As the date gets close, and I am able to see the weather forecast, I may open up more spots if it becomes clear that we can have the class outside! 🏡☀💗


(And if you find yourself wondering if this experience is appropriate for you in your journey, click here and ask me!)


I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments, at Intro to Care, and Focused Breath, next week and beyond 💖


Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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