Surprising research finding. . .

Surprising research finding. . . 

Not that surprising!


Good morning, bright souls! Hope you got to enjoy the amazing weather and sunshine this weekend 🌅


I am happy to report that I spent most of the weekend enjoying myself, doing my workouts, seeing friends, and resting at home (the new New Day is coming along too! see below ⬇️⬇️⬇️)


I’ve also been enjoying reading the revised and updated edition of Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra 📖


The book was a national bestseller back in 1989 when it was originally published, and really positioned Deepak Chopra to become the cultural phenomenon that we know him as today (not sure exactly when Oprah stepped in to accelerate things!)


Despite its status as a classic, I had never gotten the chance to read this book until now! I find that I’m enjoying both the classic material, as well as the newer “updated” sections at the ends of the chapters.


Reading this book now is a helpful reminder of all the things that have changed for the better in the world of health and wellness and medicine, as well as some of the things that have still yet to change.


For example, I was delighted by a quaint passage about some research that was done on rabbits in the 1970s that produced some unintended results:


“An Ohio University study of heart disease in the 1970s was conducted by feeding quite toxic, high-cholesterol diets to rabbits in order to block their arteries, duplicating the effect that such a diet has on human arteries.


Consistent results began to appear in all the rabbit groups except for one, which strangely displayed 60 percent fewer symptoms. Nothing in the rabbits’ physiology could account for their high tolerance to the diet, until it was discovered by accident that the student who was in charge of feeding these particular rabbits liked to fondle and pet them.


He would hold each rabbit lovingly for a few minutes before feeding it; astonishingly, this alone seemed to enable the animals to overcome the toxic diet” 🤗🐇🤗🐇



For many reasons, most of us in this day and age would probably find what happened to the rabbits interesting, maybe even surprising, but not exactly astonishing 😂


In some ways, we’ve come so much further in our understanding of our bodies as so much more than the meat-suits that just carry our brains around 😱🙏😂


Being able to feel intentional love, touch, and feel soothed in our nervous systems isn’t just an optional extra in life– it’s actually REQUIRED to have our bodies’ systems work to their best ability.


It makes me feel so good to know that after I see you for your care at New Day (which takes years to learn and is not just some random petting, by the way!), you’re able to go out into the world and respond to life differently ☀️💓🌍🌀


And while hopefully you aren’t regularly ingesting the toxic diet that the rabbits in the experiment were subjected to, it helps to know that your body is in a better position to withstand a chemical insult after your Network Spinal adjustments 😊


I hope you are having a great day so far, and I look forward to seeing you for our adjustments this week 💖

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.