With JOY!

With JOY!


Good evening, Bright Lights of New Day! I have a few things that I really want to tell you about, so thank you for opening this message ☀️


This week is my birthday week (March 21st aka the spring equinox 🎂🌱🥰).


The days are getting lighter. SO much lighter.


New Day, the name of this beautiful practice and all the bright souls such as yourself who are part of the New Day community, turns 10 next month.


By a very quick and conservative estimate, I would say that I have worked with at least 1500 souls (clients) over this time 💥💥💥


Some of you I have had the privilege of supporting routinely, for years and years. Some less often. And some of those 1500 only once.


I get asked fairly regularly by new clients and people I meet when I’m out networking if one adjustment alone will “work.”


You would probably guess– and based on the fact that you’re reading this I am assuming that you are pretty closely connected with me and Network Spinal care– that I would say “No. You have to get adjusted regularly for it to ‘work.'”


And that is true. How much does anything you would do for yourself and your health “work” if you only do it once? One salad? One workout? One day of meditating? Are you kidding? Of course! 😂


But you know what? I actually do believe that one single adjustment to the spine and nervous system does do something 😊


By impacting the nervous system, brain, and body (aka how you experience your body and life itself) one adjustment does have the power to change your trajectory, connecting you to your sense of purpose, possibility, and joy 💥💥💥




My former employees and I used to have a little phrase that we would repeat together to get ready for a shift at New Day.


“We are never adjusting a spine, we are adjusting DESTINY.” 💥🙏🌀💖🌍


Of course, as I said above, it does “work” better when you do it regularly for obvious reasons.


Plus, wouldn’t you want to make sure you would be able to continue on your trajectory of joy, possibility, and purpose more than once? 😊


If you have been in care with me for longer than 3 months, congratulations on continuing on that path. It is with joy that I continue to serve you to my highest ability 💖


I’d like to sit down with you and talk more about this.


I’ve created a free event for you called, “What’s Next?” on Saturday, April 1st. Can you make it?


At this Bright Souls gathering we will share perspectives about continuing care, how Network Spinal benefits you over time, and how and why those benefits may differ and change compared to when you first started at New Day.


As I told you on your first day with me, this care is NOT about “fixing” you week after week.


But what, then, should you be expecting as time goes on?


Whether you are newly continuing care, or you have been a Weekly Care Club member for years, your presence and unique perspective are requested ☀️


Please use the button below to save your spot for this gathering!


I CAN’T WAIT to see which ones of you will come together with me for this ✨🌀🌍


And as always it will be a joy to see you at your adjustments this week.


💖 Dr. Katie




Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.