Healing something? Processing something?

Healing something? Processing something?

The future is calling ✨πŸ’₯🎀🌍

Happy new day to you, New Day! What new ideas are you bringing into form this week?

I’m continuing and will be continuing for the next 2 months, to work on getting the new New Day space in Skolie ready for you and all the future bright souls of New Day.

(If you have no idea what I’m talking about with the new New Day space– CLICK HERE AND also make sure to keep opening my messages for further updates!)

In so doing, it has been very important for me to stay focused on and attuned to the energy and possibilities coming to me from out in the universe and in the future.

Do you ever remember when you were a kid having your name called over the PA system? 🎀

It used to be much more common. Especially back in the days before cell phones, it was always a possibility that you could be walking through a grocery store, a shopping mall, or at school, and you would suddenly hear your name called over the intercom.

Even though more often than not it was for something mundane, it was usually really exciting at that moment when you heard your name, and everyone looked at you, and with no idea what was happening you got to pick up and leave whatever you were doing πŸ’ƒπŸ˜³πŸ™

Well, that’s just what happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I was in Denver at Donny Epstein’s Transformational Gate event!

I got called over the PA! 😳

It was Saturday morning, at the very first of the 5 sessions of adjusting that we receive at the Gate, and I was casually talking to a friend who I hadn’t seen since chiropractic school.

And all of a sudden I heard Donny Epstein’s emcee Darius over the microphone, “Katie Ray, please come see me. Katie Ray, please come see me.”


Never in all of my years of going to these events have I ever heard someone’s name called out like that!

I couldn’t believe it. Was something wrong? Or was something good happening?

As I walked to the front everyone around me looked at me, with some of them jokingly whispering “ooooh! In trouble!” πŸ˜‚

When I got to the front of the room where Darius was, he said “Donny wants to work with you during the first session.”Β 

There are hundreds of people at the event, and so obviously Donny only works with some of them personally.

Sometimes there are people who he plans to adjust ahead of time during a given session.

And then he also walks around (it’s held in a huge hotel ballroom) and somewhat capriciously jumps in in the place of a practitioner when he feels called to do so.

He’s adjusted me before, a good handful of times over the years, sometimes it was planned and other times it was a surprise.

But never have I been publicly grabbed out of the group, called by name, and told to go to Donny!

Yes, Donny wanted to see me right away. But it wasn’t so that he could tell me what a good job I have been doing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Me in chiropractic school, circa 2011 around the first time I went to the Transformational Gate

Reconnecting with my friend from chiropractic school
2 weeks ago at the Gate!

What do I mean?

Was Donny being mean to me?! 😒

Before and after the work that Donny did with my spine and nervous system (which was amazing, obviously) he laid some serious tough love on me.

And sometimes, as you probably understand, we need our teachers and mentors to do this πŸ’“πŸ’₯⚑️

Where was this coming from?

Rewinding to the night before when we arrived at this event (PA systems! Rewinding! Very retro here!), Donny gave an introductory talk to the group as he always does.

He began the talk by expressing exasperation at the number of people in the world, and at the event, who are focused on the past, energetically drained, and from that energy poor place coming up with justifications for why they are stuck along the lines of:

  • “I’m healing abuse from my past”
  • “I’m healing my old pattern”
  • “I’m processing a lot right now”

Well, guess who wrote on their form that they filled out describing why they were attending the Gate that they are “processing a lot of change right now”??

ME πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

So when Donny worked with me he asked me some questions and confirmed that for me right now, focusing on the good and the possibilities that come from the future gives me energy. And when I have more energy, I am much more able to bring my gifts and talents to the world.

In Donny’s words, my “processing change” story is just one signal that I have needed to snap out of it.

“Stop making up reasons for why you’re not stepping up,” said Donny to me.

The point here isn’t to “release” our limiting stories or change our thoughts.

The invitation is to watch how the reasons, stories, and thoughts of pain drop away when we change our focus. They can only exist at a certain (low) energy state πŸ’₯πŸŒ€πŸŒβš‘οΈ

I’ve really gone on long enough in this blog, so I’ll stop here for now 😊

This week, give it a try. Notice your justifications, reasons, and stories, and the energy state they come from. Notes your habitual and addictive ways of focusing on circumstances you can’t manage, or pain in your body.

Change your focus by going external to the future and/or out in the universe, notice your posture change, and notice how your thoughts change too and how much freer and more energized you feel πŸ’₯βš‘οΈπŸ’“βœ¨πŸŒ

If you are interested in more depth with this, I suggest you check out Donny Epstein’s video series on Facebook, “The end of pain as you know it,” where he works with participants one on one. I am watching these now and getting a lot out of them!

Thank you for engaging, New Day! I will look forward to caring for you this week today, Tuesday, and Thursday πŸ’–

Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinalβ„’ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.