Maybe your situation needs to change


Maybe your situation needs to change



How to make your adjustments go further



Good morning, beautiful, new spring day!! 💓☀️🌱



One of the questions I receive most frequently as your chiropractor (aka your co-creator of your best reality possible) is about how you can have your adjustments at New Day go further/last longer.



Or at least, how can we have your adjustments go as far as they can possibly go?



And actually what is the farthest an adjustment can possibly go? A day? A week? A year?



SUCH good questions. And a very fruitful topic for my discussion here (as I’m sure you’re beginning to imagine!) ✨✨✨



Now, consider this. If you are on my table for 15 minutes once a week, or even, optimistically, if you’re getting adjusted three times a week, that’s only about 30 minutes  to an hour that you are spending at New Day per week ⏱



There are 10,080 minutes in a week, by the way. 



Basically, you are spending less than 1 percent of your life on an average week getting adjusted, and we are trying to have that 1 percent impact the other 99 percent 😰😰😰





BUT this still works! Here’s what you need to keep in mind to help. 



The first thing you need to do, to have this care go as far as possible, is to choose to use your time when you’re on the table actively getting adjusted, and immediately thereafter, to get to know yourself, the sensations in your body, and how to monitor what your nervous system is doing.



We’re not all always going to be perfect! Sometimes you’ll flop down on the table and go to la-la land. It’s ok! 💓



But as often as you can be tuned in to your care process, on and off the table.



This is an important time in which you are being re-sensitized to yourself and the inner workings of your nervous system and body.



Your brain and body are learning to find sensations and awarenesses that go beyond pain, injuries, or problems. ☀️🤔✨🌀



When you’re newer in care, just start with what you notice on the table, and immediately thereafter.



A breath here and there? An urge to move or shift your legs? A warm sensation? None of those, but something different? Start there 💓



When do you notice those sensations outside of New Day? When do you notice those things go away?



It takes some mindfulness, but this won’t be a matter of you strenuously working and forcing yourself.



Instead, you will find that it gets easier and easier as your nervous system and spine improve. You and your body will be working together 😊



Now, there is one more thing I want to talk about concerning how you can make your adjustments go as far as possible.





What IS your life like when you leave New Day, anyway? 🤔🤔🤔



Let’s say you’re on the table in the adjusting room, feeling your breath get deeper, your tension release or move, and getting a different, helpful awareness of your body.



BUT, let’s say the second you leave the office your partner is rage-texting you, your boss is calling you, and your car is about to break down. And now you’re drinking a soda 😱😱😱



This, my friends, is the classic wall that every healing and medical practitioner eventually hits up against with their clients.



The essence of the issue is that I can’t control what you do when you’re not in my office during the other 10,000 minutes 💥



But to some extent, neither can you!



Consider, for example, I remember 10ish years ago, it was still possible for someone to say, “I choose not to have a cellphone.” 



This isn’t a choice that most people can make in our present day society, with its demands (and its opportunities).



The pace of the world has increased significantly– and even just in the last 10 years! 



So please know that I don’t necessarily blame you for “messing up” your adjustments between visits💥 😜



Considering the world we live in, it makes sense that you would want and need to get adjusted regularly just to help with that.



This is why our care is so discounted for our Weekly Care Club, because we are trying to encourage you to have something this helpful be a regular part of your life, and have it be affordable.



However, there are some areas of your life where you do have a choice, and I want to encourage you around those because they can make a big difference 🌍💖



Use the awarenesses you’re getting in your spine and body during and after your adjustments, to help you discern what in your life/ergonomic setup/relationships/thoughts/lifestyle are cutting the results of spine-time short 💥💥💥



One of the most exciting and compelling reasons why I choose to practice this form of care, over any of the other things I’ve learned in chiropractic school and beyond, is what an amazing track record Network Spinal care has in helping people make healthy and positive changes in their lives that further the results we get in the office.



So if you were starting to wonder if your current life really is too stressful, your mattress too terrible, your shoes too uncomfortable, your boss too mean, and your lumbar discs too herniated for my care to help you, HEAR ME NOW.



💥💥💥You definitely might need to change your situation in order to help you in your health, at least eventually💥💥💥



But the good news is that awarenesses you gain through your care process, and the improvements they lead to in your body and life with the ability of your brain and body to communicate through your nervous system, could actually help you do that (research shows!).



Thank you for your energy, awareness, and thoughtfulness, New Day! I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments this week ☀️



And don’t forget to use this link to schedule if you need 💖


Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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