Starting THIS week 💥💥💥


Starting THIS week 💥💥💥



Cutting out the “middle man” 


Good morning, beautiful New Day ☀️



Today is the day! 🤩✨🙌



You’ve probably been seeing our messages already about our move to improve our office with online scheduling for all our clients. 🤓 



This change will help us greatly, as we are moving forward without a full time front-desk person for the time being. ✨💖✨



As you might imagine, sooooo so much time is spent by me and our staff answering calls, emails, and texts from you about scheduling.



But it’s not just that we are trying to save ourselves time and effort around this. This is meant to help you too! 💝✨🎁



Until fairly recently, I hadn’t really fully stopped to realize just how inconvenient it may be for you to have to call us every time you need an appointment or a schedule change.



Adding on top of that, there are days, and hours within days, when we aren’t even in the office.  And there you are, trying to decide if you should leave a voicemail, or just hang up and try another method to get ahold of us. 😱



I am glad that we have texting and emailing for you to get ahold of us too.  But it can still be hard to stay on top of on our off days and times, and so that doesn’t necessarily solve the problem.  



All too often we end up texting and emailing back and forth for with you, sometimes with hours or days in between messages 😂



On top of it all, and as you might already know, our texting number isn’t the same as our actual office phone number (like that’s not confusing!)  😂 😂 😂



Just like me, you are a busy person. I’m sure it’s super annoying and frustrating at times to be sitting at home looking at your calendar, wanting to get on the schedule at New Day, but not being able to nail it down right then and there. 📆 🔨🕑



Personally, I can barely keep my train of thought and follow a task to completion when I’m at my computer. It happens all the time that I’ll hit one obstacle or distraction when I’m trying to do something, and I get COMPLETELY derailed. 



Of course, there’s a lot less trouble for you if you tend to keep the same day and time appointments every week, which many of our Monthly Care Club clients tend to do. 🌀✨🌍



But it’s not realistic to expect that every single person who benefits from our care will always be in a position to keep a regular schedule week to week.



This ends now! Convoluted and obstacle-laden systems are not a part of New Day 3.0. 💥💥💥



Many of you are scheduled out for weeks or months to come, and so you might not need to jump right into online scheduling. 🤗



But if you have been scheduling week to week, needing to change and re-arrange appointments, or just plain haven’t been on the schedule due to the types of reasons described above, you CAN jump right into this now. 😃💓✨



Eddie has created a handy infographic to get you going.👇





Now of course, this is a new thing that we are all trying 🤗



Is there a possibility that an unexpected problem comes up, or that we find out there is something else that needs to be improved to have this new system live up to it’s promise?  



Absolutely! Please help us help you by letting us know if you are hitting an obstacle with this. 💗💗💗



For example, I noticed that in the steps listed in the above graphic, there might still be a need for a “step zero”, before Step 1. Should you just go to and Jane will know who you and your account are already? Or would it be better and easier to get to our online scheduling through a link that we send directly to you? 🤔



Throughout the week we will be sending emails directly from your Jane account to you (if you are currently active as a client) in an effort to make starting as easy as possible. 💌 📫✨



We still have all our normal lines of communication open and will help you in as timely of a fashion as possible. ✨



Thank you for your participation in our New Day community, and help in upleveling to New Day 3.0! I can’t wait to be with you this week. See you soon ☺️✨🌍




Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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