I trust you!


I trust you!



Big changes coming to New Day 💥💥💥


Great Day to you, New Day! 


We are baaaaack from Denver!


As many of you know, we are just getting back from a weekend at a transformational healing event hosted by Donny Epstein, the creator of Network Spinal care (the care you receive at New Day).


The Gate is an immersive, intensive (and intense!) experience 💥🌀✨


There are always some pretty big realizations to be had through the experience.  


Some of these realizations are yet to be revealed over the coming months


And some of them hit you like a slap in the face! 💥😂🙌


The realization that hit me like a slap is this:  I trust you! And I am fully ready to receive 💖🌍🎁




Does this mean that I did NOT trust you, my New Day community, before now? Was I not already receiving you as a gift?!  😨😱😂


Let me explain how I came to this realization.


Me and Diana Z, on our way to Denver!


This past weekend was my 11th Gate (!!!) I attended my first event back in 2011 as a chiropractic student.


As is the gift of anything we do routinely over time (just like your weekly care in our office), having the opportunity to attend this event at regular intervals over time, at all different points in my life, is a big part of what makes it so healing and transformational ✨⏳✨


I remember my first Gate. I was fearful and in complete disbelief that I had just spent $600 dollars to attend an event that I perceived as “unnecessary” and a luxury item (and guess what, it costs a lot more now 🤗😂)


After all, as a chiropractor you can technically “learn” the particulars of how to practice Network Spinal care without attending the Gate. 


The Gate is not “required.” It is about receiving and experiencing, rather than another box to check on the way to certification.


At the time, I wasn’t used to spending any money that wasn’t absolutely necessary to get by. I lived mostly on a finite amount of student loan money every quarter.  


In addition, and unlike most of my friends who spent their weekends resting and studying for exams, I was out cleaning houses for a living. 


One of my jobs, for example, was every single Saturday where I would spend 5 hours cleaning a large house. Every single week.  According to that train of thought, not only was I spending money I didn’t have on the Gate, but I was losing future income! 😂😨🙏. 


Because I always needed to be so hard-working and self-reliant, I was used to trusting myself, especially when it seemed like nothing and no one else could be trusted. 


But I most certainly did NOT feel safe to trust this new way of being– open myself up to trust in an experience over which I had little control and that cost A LOT of money.  I would spend the money and go, I thought, but I had a big agenda and expectations for feeling fully “fixed” and “healed” of my pain and problems by the end of it.


And then, after attending my first Gate and having built a tiny amount of “muscle” around trusting something other than my ability to survive, I signed up for the next Gate being offered 6 months later 💪💥✨💥


Me, after one of my adjustments this weekend!


Over the following years, there were years when I had so little money that instead of paying for the Gate ahead of time, I would bring checks with me to Denver, hoping fervently that they would not be cashed until the following week (and they never were, thankfully 😂🙏)


And so my trust grew. Little by little 🌀✨


Continuing onward, I have paid for New Day staff to attend the Gate, even when it has been a great difficulty for me to do so, all because of how the experience changed me and has continued to change me, encouraging me to open up to experiencing more out of my life.


Because of my many years of experiences as a hard-working survivor type, I have always believed in supporting opportunities for growth for my staff as humans, not just as employees 🙏  


This all feels very vulnerable what I’m sharing with you. Hopefully you can relate, in some way 💓


And then, just the last few times I’ve gone to the Gate, I was able to notice something profoundly different in my ability to receive the experience of the Gate.  


Instead of going to the Gate the way I initially did, flat broke and desperate for help, crossing my fingers that the check wouldn’t get cashed right away and hurling myself at the feet of my most idolized Network Spinal doctors, begging them to adjust me ASAP, worried that somehow I wouldn’t get my money’s worth, I was instead able to experience myself as someone who was bring more energy than I was taking 💥💥💥


I was invested in the experience, of course, but unattached to the particulars of “getting my money’s worth” or “getting what I paid for” in terms of the care I received and how I felt about it.  


It was an increasingly peaceful way of being, regardless of the particular experiences on the table or in SRI workshops and what my mind made them mean.


I was able to truly feel what I was adding to the community and the process I was part of, through showing up, being there, and being open to what was being offered 🌀✨🌍🎁


Through the years, I’ve gone from not trusting myself or life, to trusting myself (but definitely not trusting life), to finally trusting life and myself as part of it.  It has taken years, like I’m sharing, but the muscles have been built 💪💪💪


And then at this most recent Gate, I saw something interesting that I’ve NEVER SEEN before!


In addition to my continued experience of increasing trust and ability to experience my own contribution, I noticed that the people around me were different.  


For example– and I know this might sound crazy if you’ve never been there and you’re trying to picture it– but it used to be pretty typical that Gate-goers would basically race each other to get on the tables of their favorite practitioner when each session began. 


Despite the overarching encouragement from the universe to receive and contribute, there really had always seemed to be a sense of competition amongst the group for seemingly finite resources. And that most of the people were showing up to “get” and “take”, rather than trusting the experience. 


I never fully realized this until I saw what I saw this weekend 💥


Drawing from our fun “Deck of Character” between sessions!


Over this past weekend, I routinely ended up as one of the first people on the adjusting tables, and without even trying.  I saw attendees offering to others to go first.  Everyone seemed peaceful, curious, and open, despite the likely financial and logistical strain of paying for and attending the event.


People were hungry, I noticed. But not hungry to “get” from a place of lack, limitation, and distrust.


Is it me who’s changed? Is it the world?  Is it both??? 


What the Gate attendees seemed hungry for is the experience of trusting, giving, and receiving; the experience of contributing to an energized community, of being part of something that’s greater than the sum of the parts 🌀✨🌍🎁💖


I take this change as an incredibly good sign about life on the planet in 2022 and beyond 🌍💖


Looking at my life and at New Day, I can see plenty of other ways that I have not been trusting and open to life.  Muscling my way through with ego rather than trusting and allowing.


There is a major way that I am continuing to shift this, and it involves you (of course!)


Eddie has needed to move on from his position in the New Day front office. 


He has added great value to all our experiences at New Day. We will miss him greatly, and wish him the best as he moves forward on his path 🎁  


Everything happens for a reason, as we know. 


Even the years of desperately throwing myself at the feet of Donny et al, hoping the check wasn’t being cashed, was a perfect and necessary experience that I wouldn’t change for anything (From the perspective of Stage 12, I actually was contributing, even when I was “taking” ✨💓🌍


This change is a big and much needed opportunity to evolve New Day and our day to day experience of our office and the care 💖🌍🎁  


I’m hungrier than ever to experience more trust, more ease, and more ability to receive what life is showing me.


And I want to create New Day as an experience where you feel that more and more too, experiencing yourself more and more as the energetic contribution that you are, rather than a part of our schedule to be managed.


When I really stopped and looked at it, so much of the job of managing the front office at New Day amounts to micro-managing you and your experience in this office, which is not always sustainable for us or empowering for you.


I trust you to work with me, and this office and community, contributing energy and open to the experience, as we implement these improvements.


There are going to be a variety of changes at New Day leading in the direction of automation, ease, clarity, and empowering you to help us help you in a way that works for all of us 🎁


Please stay tuned to learn more about these important changes in the upleveling to New Day 3.0! I know this was a long one.


Thank you for reading, for giving more than you receive, and for trusting me (and trusting yourself to trust me!) to be your chiropractor 💖💖💖



Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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