“The longing for the endless sea”



“The longing for the endless sea”






Good morning, New Day! We hope you had an amazing Christmas weekend 🎁



I was in Burlington, Vermont visiting my brother and his family. I came back to Chicago last night 🛬



One of the things I really love about air travel (of course sometimes these days it is definitely easier to focus on the things I DON’T love about air travel 😂) is having a couple of hours of ininterrupted reading time 📖



Last night on one of our flights, I came across this quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery:



“If you want to build a ship, don’t gather your people and ask them to provide wood, prepare tools, and assign tasks.  Call them together and raise in their minds the longing for the endless sea” 🌊🌀🌊





What’s the takeaway?



First, that it can be all too easy to jump into action, thinking that we are being productive, practical, and efficient, instead of stopping to allow ourselves to catch the magic and significance of what we are choosing to do (or not do).



We so often think we are so busy and that we don’t have enough time for the luxury of visioning, feeling, and energizing. But really, it’s doing those things that creates the motivation, time, and space in our lives to create ✨✨✨✨



My other takeaway from this quote is how much more important it is to actually EXPERIENCE something, even just the possibility of that something, rather than getting lost in our ideas and thoughts ABOUT that thing.



I want to send a heartfelt thank-you to all of you who this holiday season, holiday seasons’ past, or who at any other time encouraged someone to experience New Day and our care ☀️💖✨



This coming week is the LAST WEEK to gift someone an initial visit of our care (free for you and for them) through our popular Holiday Gift Program 💥💥💥



For the rest of this week there is still time to share this care with someone who needs it, who wants it, is just curious, or who might just need that extra little push (even though you might have encouraged them before 😉)



Who knows, maybe receiving this gift may “raise in their minds” a new possibility for 2022 💥✨🎁🌀



We are honored to have met so many of your wonderful friends, family, and acquaintances already!



Be sure to remind any of your recipients to schedule their appointments, if they haven’t already, since the deadline for the free appointment is January 31st 🎁



And if there’s someone you forgot about who could benefit from this gift (or maybe someone you just met in the last week, who knows!) let us know ASAP this week so that we can include them.



We look forward to seeing you this week at your adjustments, New Day! And to sending us all joyously into 2022 💖





Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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