It’s not like a jacuzzi 🛁
Even though I LOVE jacuzzis 😂
Good morning, New Day! Looks like we’re finally getting fall for real, huh? 🍂 ☀️
There used to be a saying in chiropractic school. Actually, I can’t quite remember if it was something one of our regular instructors used to say, or something from the world of Donny Epstein/Network Spinal (I guess this is what happens when you come up on 10 years
of being out of school 😂)
It was said that chiropractic, and in particular Network Spinal, “isn’t a jacuzzi experience.”
Which might sound like a bad thing 😢
Because I know for me personally that I LOVE jacuzzis!
It would be almost unimaginable for me to go to a hotel with a hot tub and not find time to use it during my stay!
So if you have a hot tub, especially if it’s on a rooftop, you should definitely invite me over 😂
Anyway, your care at New Day not being a jacuzzi experience is actually a very good thing for you– for your health, your life, and your bank account 💥💓💥
With a jacuzzi there’s no plan, no process, and no predictable way that having been in a jacuzzi adds value to your life with use over time.
Chiropractic care, on the other hand, has you in a process week after week, year after year, helping your nervous system adapt to the conditions and stressors you’ve been facing, so that you can experience differently when you’re out in your life 💓☀️🌍
With our care, you’re not paying for your time on the table, which could range between 5 and 25 minutes. It’s the results over time and through the process you get to be in that makes all the difference.
This helps explain why chiropractic care has been found to be so cost effective over time.
Because after all, there are LOTS of things out there that have you feel better while you are doing them but might do little good for us in the longterm (and some of those things are even bad for you!).
Now, some of you might be reading this and thinking, “But Dr. Katie! Your care IS like a magical jacuzzi for me!” 😂
Sometimes you definitely will feel a noticeable change in your physiology and the alignment in your spine when you’re on the table ✨✨✨
But sometimes you won’t as much, even if you’re trying to focus 😥
Don’t let that experience make you think “it’s not working” as well as another time when you got adjusted. Your care is not a jacuzzi (thankfully!).
Thank you for your engagement and energy, New Day! I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments today and next week 💓☀️🌍