To help you get your footing



To help you get your footing





Try Valor!



Good morning, sunshine!  Thanks for brightening up this gray day by opening this message 💓☀️✨



As I blogged about last week, I’ve noticed that MANY of us, myself included, have been living in a bit of a haze of discombobulation and overwhelm lately.



Scheduling in your spine and nervous system care at New Day, and your other health and self care, ahead of time and through the end of the year can be a BIG help right now 💥



I’ve also been enjoying using Valor essential oil blend at New Day to help us all in this.  I may have put it on you last week, or you at least smelled it diffusing!



If you’re newer to New Day, you may have seen essential oils around and wondered about the how and why.



Just now I found something I wrote that explains a little bit more about this (CLICK HERE).



The bottom line is that essential oils, and specifically Young Living oils, made a big impact on me around the time I was getting ready to open New Day 💥



I immediately saw their potential to amplify the healing vibe in the practice and make a difference in our lives, engaging even more of the nervous system to create and sustain results ✨✨✨



It’s part of what Tony Robbins calls “creating an anchor” — something that you can do for any time of result or breakthrough you achieve (on the table or in life!)



Let’s say you’re getting adjusted at New Day, and you suddenly feel something change drastically, and for the better, in your lower back. Not only is the area less painful and sore, but you now can clearly feel, and maybe even see in your minds eye, how your spine is


positioned differently now.



That’s an awareness you’ll certainly want to bring out into your life between adjustments.



To increase the odds that your result isn’t just a one-time occurrence, you create a few linkages to the nervous system that you associate with the result. The more you can link or associate your result with your 5 senses, the more effective you will be ✨🌀🌍



Valor is a sweet, calming, grounding, and some might say courage-enducing oil blend that you can wear (neck, pulse points, feet) and/or diffuse.



Create an even more effective anchor to your recent results at New Day by using Valor between visits, especially now 💥💥💥



We have a limited number for Valor essential oil blends available now at New Day, grab yours as part of our “Oils Club” and earn amazing free products as you go!






We look forward to seeing you at your adjustments this week!



And DON’T FORGET, we have some office closures coming up in November (see below), which are all the more reason to get your care scheduled in NOW 😊



Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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