Did you ever have a bad experience?


Did you ever have a bad experience?



New and MUCH improved


Good morning, New Day lovelies!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Thank you, as always, for opening this message☀️



Did you ever have a bad experience in our office with paying for our care?



I‘ll be honest, it feels kind of uncomfortable to ask.



And maybe “bad experience” is putting it too strongly.  Maybe it was bad– or more likely just sub-optimal?



As I described in a recent blog, I can understand this because I personally have had the experience of 1) really liking a product or service (in this case it was some coaching I was receiving) and 2) choosing NOT to continue benefitting from that coaching because the experience of paying for it was SUCH a pain in my behind.



I would hate to think that such a thing had ever been the case for anyone at New Day 😨



But the fact is, it probably has been, for some of you at some times.



Not to make excuses, but there  really are a limited number of systems available for setting up and running chiropractic offices, all of which have their flaws.



Then there has been the limited time, energy, and expertise on our part. Like everything in life, it’s always a process (not an already-done!)



Neither myself nor any recent New Day team members have had a particular penchant for understanding and improving technology and systems (but Eddie may break the mold!)



I am happy to announce that all that changes NOW 💥💥💥



Not only are we deep in the process of onboarding our new scheduling and payments systems (and LOVING them already!) but we have also made some much needed improvements in our packages and pricing.



It really hit me sometime in the first couple months of the pandemic.  Your health, energy, and aliveness affect you, your family, and everyone you know.  This was always true, but now it is soooo plainly evident.  The world cannot afford to have chiropractic as some sort of separate privileged society.



Everyone needs the ability to have their brain and body function as they are meant to, to be able to feel safe, connected, and a sense of belonging in their body-community (I think I made that up) and their world-community. 🌍



And the sooner the better!  We’ve got to open this thing up!



Therefore, whether your relationship your spine, nervous system, and body through us and our care is somewhat sporadic, or whether you are Lydia Gray (coming in for care weekly for 7+ years– love you, girl!), or somewhere in between, we have careplans and options of paying for care that support you as you wish to be supported ☀️💖☀️



You can simply pay per visit!  No stress, just schedule when you want and pay for your visits as they come.



OR you can choose to save 13 percent per visit when you purchase an 8-pack, or 20 percent when you purchase a 25 visit package.  Use them any time you like and you can split the visits between family members ✨✨✨




⬆️ be sure to stay connected with us on social for more like this⬆️ https://www.instagram.com/newdaynsa/



Lastly, even though I just said and truly believe that future of New Day and chiropractic generally is for it NOT to be a secret, special club for the privileged few who “get it,” which is why we have so many options available for scheduling and paying for your care, etc, let it also be said that I also really like special clubs 😂



You probably already know this because we have Oils Club at New Day for our essential oils and products enthusiasts ✨



And now, in addition to the above options for enjoying your New Day experience, we bring you WEEKLY CARE CLUB 💥💥💥



Weekly Care Club is a special program we created as a reward to some of the New Day practice members who benefit the most from our care, contribute the most to our culture, and bring the most energy and aliveness to me, our team, and to our community 🌍  



With Care Club, we reward and thank these special practice members, who add so much by choosing our care weekly for months and years at a time, and who make our lives easier by having a pre-set monthly auto-debit to pay for their care and who take responsibility for their scheduling with our most discounted care (33 percent off of per-visit pricing).



And in the spirit of things being easy and fun, you can stop Care Club at any time and without any fees or charges.



Wondering if Care Club is right for you?  Talk to us at your next visit 💖



Thank you for staying connected, New Day!  I look forward to seeing you at your adjustments this week 💖☀️🌍


Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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