“What should I be doing outside of my care at New Day?”



“What should I be doing outside of my care at New Day?”





Integral part of your self-care– Opportunity this Saturday!



Good morning, beautiful spring-time New Day!  ☀️



There’s a question that I get all the time from new clients, and practice members at their reassessments.  “What should I be doing outside of care at New Day to help the process along?”



Now I am a certified health and fitness addict, and so of course I could easily spew forth with DOZENS of awesome and helpful recommendations in the realm of fitness, nutrition, coaching, emotional healing, spirituality, and the like.



But does that really help people?



Something I’ve noticed over the years (sometimes with slight frustration, might I add!), is that my New Day practice members don’t usually follow my lead in my healthy-lifestyle suggestions.



For example, back when I was into Orange Theory here in Lincoln Square in Chicago , I would talk about it to anyone who would listen.  And with extreme enthusiasm! (Of course)



You would think that I would have managed to have AT LEAST one of the hundreds of clients at New Day that I worked with during that time decide to embrace Orange Theory based on my recommendation.



Nope! 😂



Could it be that people are just basically inherently lazy and only want to do the bare minimum that’s being suggested? Or that practice members all are basically well-intentioned, but just bad with follow-through?



Or maybe is it just that you all have it all figured out already??



I actually think the issue of “what else should I be doing besides getting adjusted?” goes much deeper, and for me it cuts to the core of what Network Spinal and New Day are all about ☀️



Here are a couple of little truisms that inspire me when it comes to your care:


1) I want to help you to be more YOU, not to be more me.


2) When you’re on the table, your purpose is to feel you and your nervous system, not to be focused on feeling me and mine.


3) Something that always matters more than what you are doing (fitness or otherwise) is the STATE that you are doing it in, and the energy and intention you are able to bring to that activity.


4) “The quieter you are, the more you are able to hear.” (quote from Ram Dass)



Considering these maxims above, I hope you can begin to understand that I really see my role in your health and your life differently than other types of practitioners might.  I’m not here to tell you what to do.  And I’m actually (usually) not disappointed at all if you don’t decide to do the activities that I do.



My primary objective is to have your nervous system be in a state that facilitates connection, awareness, healing, and the ability to make the best choices for you and your communities 🌏  



Network Spinal care, and the process you get to be in because of it, does exactly that.  So does Focused Breath, the self-care breath-work modality based on Donny Epstein’s other creation SRI.



I have sooo many health and fitness things I can recommend to you (ask anytime you’re looking for something!)



But in the meantime, I want you to focus on the state of being that Network Spinal and Focused breath help you have, and then go from there  ✨✨✨



“What is Focused Breath?” you might ask.  “When am I supposed to learn it and do it?”



THIS SATURDAY is our free monthly community offering of Focused Breath on Facebook Live. 💥💥💥






If you are reading this message, this workshop is meant for you.



The event is on Facebook Live.  We will probably go for at least a half hour, so feel free to jump in as soon as you can!



And if you know someone who doesn’t know us yet (and could use help having their nervous systems healthier and better regulated), this is for them too (forward them this email or the link!)



Please click here to RSVP and/or to share this awesome free event with others.



RSVP’ing helps you because you are more likely to remember to go, and it helps me help you 😊



Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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