Where is New Day going?


Where is New Day going?



What a year!


Good evening, New Day!



I’m sure you’ve probably had enough of all the wistful posts and news stories out there over the past couple of weeks commenting on our year in a post-covid world.



BUT I know many of you like to be included in my thought process, and have been asking about my experience at Tony Robbins’ “Business Mastery” last week, so here I go.



Business Mastery gave me some space to reflect on what made this year significant for me, and what I want going forward.  There are several factors to consider.



As many of you know, my birthday was last weekend and I turned 40 💥💥💥



Second, over the past year my dad died, my cat Loki died, and I became engaged (and am planning to get married this year) 💥💥💥💥



Third, I have a business that has been very much impacted by the way our society and culture has responded to covid.  Not anywhere near as much as, say, a restaurant or a retail shop.  But affected nonetheless.



Business Mastery was 5 days long and super intense!  And just like anything transformational, it touches just about every aspect of your life (not just your business).



Through the experience, I got an enormous level of clarity about New Day and where New Day needs to go in the next several months.  Because our whole New Day community is co-creating in our experience together, I’d like to share some of this with you if you’re interested ☀️✨☀️



Here are some of my key takeaways:





1) New Day provides a necessary and essential service and experience.


Many businesses that were able to do so this past year made a huge pivot to providing a virtual product or service instead of an in-person product or service.


In the initial months of the pandemic, one of the many questions that arose for chiropractors and other healing practitioners concerned the very future of in-person services that center on physical contact. 


“Is touch no longer desired or valued?” we wondered. Is physical touch becoming obsolete?  In a world where we are constantly told it’s not even safe to breathe each other’s air, is a practice-community like New Day just no longer helpful or wanted?


Especially in this context, there are many advantages to pivoting to a virtual business model, including the ability to add more value, be more available, and reach more people. I am continuing to add material to my online platform as a way to deepen my relationship with some of you and expand my reach to the New Day community that exists beyond Chicago(see below for more on this) 💖


However it has also become crystal clear to me and many others that NOTHING CAN EVER FULLY REPLACE the in-person aspect of our care and experience. 


It’s very good news that not only are more and more people feeling safe enough to leave the house and come to New Day for care, due to vaccines, etc, but that a year of the Zoom life has people realizing how very important health care, holistic health, and physical contact and touch really are.



2) We will most likely not be able to expand our days and hours until we can hire another associate, which is likely several months away 👩‍👩‍👧


As a business owner, I need time and energy not just to work in the business, but also ON the business.  Both are a creative endeavor, and I wear a different hat for each one.


It is also very fulfilling for me to be able to continue to work on my other projects, such as teaching and mentoring other chiropractors through virtual classes (click here if you are a chiropractor, or know one, and want to see my current offering).


Having Dr. Virginia at New Day allowed us to be open for more days and hours than I am able to do alone now.


As you might imagine, the potential pool of people to hire from in the search for another associate doctor, is extremely small.  I have a couple of leads (yay!) but it is likely a 4-6 month timeline for something to come to fruition 🌱🌱🌱





3) New Day is ready and here to serve NOW 💥💥💥💥


We provide a necessary service, both as a form of holistic care for the spine and nervous system, as well as as a community to contribute to and be contributed to 🌍


I found it interesting to learn at Business Mastery that some years back Starbucks experienced a breakthrough in its success as a business when they opened their eyes to the idea that for many people, Starbucks is their “Third Place.”


The idea is that everyone’s first place is their home.  Their second place is their work or school.  Starbucks, they realized, occupies a unique and special place in peoples lives, existing as a “Third Place” between home and work.


New Day has always served that need for our community as well.  And now, perhaps even more so as a “Second Place” for many ☕


No matter how much we may love our family, our comfortable home, and having Amazon Prime, we all still have that need for a second or third place for connection and creating structure and meaning in our lives.


We are more honored than ever that we can be that for you during this time!



4) Final thoughts


If you’ve made it through this long message, chances are high that you are also the type of person that takes your participation in this care and community seriously ☀️


So you may be wondering, “what does this mean for me?” or “what can I do to help?”


You don’t necessarily have to do anything differently than you’re doing already! 💓 By receiving this life-changing care and contributing to our community with your energy and presence, you are doing plenty! 


There are a couple things I’ve thought of that I would like to throw out there.  If you’re interested in knowing what they are, read on!


First, please keep in mind that with our current days and hours, New Day is busy and will continue to be busy.  As always, please be mindful of distancing and being part of that flow.


Second, please try extra hard not to cancel your appointment last-minute.  We have a habit of being very understanding with you about your desire to cancel and reschedule, as this is a “second” or “third” place for so many of you and we want it to be able to continue to be that ☕


It does begin to produce an undue burden on our schedule, though, now that there is so much less “slack in the system” in terms of our availability. Please be aware that when you cancel at the last minute, that makes it less possible for other community members to receive care.


Third, we do have room for more new clients, and would prefer them to be referrals from our current clients than to be complete strangers to us and the idea of Network Spinal care.  Your referrals are much more likely to be a match for our care, and less likely to sap our time and energy resources.


And so we appreciate very much when you share about your care with people you know, even if they aren’t in currently in a position, financially or otherwise, to benefit from our care.  Every seed you have helped plant has made and continues to make a difference for our community 🌍


Love ya, New Day!  Thank you for your participation. As always, respond to this email if you have questions or comments, I would love to read them.  I will look forward to seeing you for your adjustments this week ☀️✨💖


Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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