When is the best time to start doing something?



When is the best time to start doing something?





1st, 2nd, and 3rd best ✨✨✨



Good morning, New Day!  How’s everybody doing this week?



For me, I swear it feels like the moment I’m thinking things are “back to normal,” they suddenly change again!



Thank you everyone for welcoming Zulema as she continues to sub for Diane until Diane gets back.  (And DID YOU KNOW Zulema actually used to work with us at New Day back in 2016?! 💥💥💥)



Lately I’ve been reading a book on productivity and prioritizing.  The book, called “Do Less” by Kate Northrup, contains these sentences:



“While the best time to start doing something was always yesterday, the second-best time to start is today! And the good news is that it’s today!!”



Even though this is meant to motivate us, does that sentence strike anyone else as a bit bittersweet?





Is it really true that the best time to start doing something “was always yesterday”?



Let’s take for example, Focused Breath, the breath work practice inspired by Donny Epstein’s SRI.  As you probably recall, I recommend you to practice this breath work at home between adjustments in order to continue to strengthen your brain-body connection.



Let’s say you were already currently practicing Focused Breath daily, or let’s say at least 3 times a week.



That would be the best scenario, because if that were the case you would be benefitting from having done that right now, TODAY, even as you sit here reading this email (because our nervous systems control everything, even something as mundane as your experience of reading an email could be impacted!)



It’s like putting money in the bank.  There is an accumulation of positive effects of practices that support your overall health and wellness (chiropractic, breath work, healthy eating) not unlike compounding interest.





If you’re like most people, finding the time and focus to do an at-home practice is increasingly challenging (paradoxically so, since most of us are at home more now!).



And this is not a problem somehow unique to New Day practice members and Focused Breath/SRI.



Physical Therapists, for example, for whom the recommendation of home exercises forms a huge part of their work with clients, are constantly stymied by the non-existent or uneven application of their recommendations.



No matter how great, helpful, or gratifying what we are supposed to be doing always turns out to be, we all need extra help, support, and encouragement in remembering to do our “homework.”



So that brings us to the second best time to start doing something– TODAY.  💥💥💥💥



Could you, right now as you read this message, put your hands on the front of your body and start focusing on breath, energy, and movement?





Of course you could start right now, today!



But you might be thinking that you don’t really have time right now, as you only have a moment to glance at this email and then you must get back to work.



OR you might be getting into your head, thinking “but I’m not really sure I know how to do Focused Breath on my own!”



Good news!!!  There is a THIRD BEST time to start (or start again).



That time is this Saturday at 12:30PM!!





I am so excited to finally join you again for free Focused Breath LIVE!



Focused Breath Live is not only an opportunity to practice Focused Breath/SRI, it is actually currently our main way of gathering as a community ☀️ (besides in the adjusting room).



Click on this link to add this event to your calendar.



And guess what?  I bet that you will start benefitting, in some way, just by making this committment and without even focusing on a single breath yet 😊



Whether you’re brand new and have never done the workshop before, whether you show up every time, or whether you’ve done the class a couple times but haven’t picked it up again since, this opportunity is meant for

you ✨



Thank you, New Day, for being such an inspiration!  I look forward to gathering with you virtually this Saturday.

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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