Coming soon– for the love of PETS



Coming soon– for the love of PETS





Good afternoon and happy snow day, New Day!



Pets are such an amazing blessing, aren’t they?



They are like precious little creatures from another planet, sent here JUST to make us happy!  It’s pretty crazy, when you think about it.



Today my fiance and I are flying high because our precious 17-year-old orange tabby Khan received a positive prognosis from his vet after some blood work. Sometimes, we don’t know what we’d do without our  Khan-baby!



Under quarantine, pets have taken on an even more increased significance in our lives as beloved family members.



It’s so sad to think that one of the challenges so many families in need may be facing is how to afford to feed and keep their precious pets.



That’s why through the end of the month, we will be collecting donations for Lincoln Square’s Friendship Petfood Pantry.





Friendship Pet Food Pantry (FP2) provides pet food to Chicago residents in need. Food distribution takes place the third Saturday of every month at the Lincoln Square Friendship Center, from 9 to 11 a.m.



They also offer, when available, cat litter and dog and cat toys, leashes and other accessories. Anyone who lives in Chicago is eligible
for assistance.



We are in the process of getting set up to collect donations in ways that will be as easy and fun for you and us as possible!



In the meantime, there is something you can do to help us get ready.



We need a photo of you and your pet/(s)!!



Why? It will bring a smile to our whole New Day community’s faces to see your smiling face with your little furriend every time they come in for an adjustment through the end of the month.



Creating community and the sense of belonging that is so important to us at New Day isn’t always easy when we’re all scurrying around with our faces covered by masks.  Think of how sweet it will be for us all to get to see each other, and our little angels, in our photos!



AND this will help draw attention to our effort and (hopefully) solicit more donations on the part of generous practice members.



When?  We need this ASAP!  We want to start decorating the office next week so that we can make a big splash when we start doing donations.



I know that we have some VERY proud pet parents among us, and so hopefully you will take an extra moment or two to find a good photo and email it to us!




THIS is a good example of what we are looking for.


Let us see your face, and your pet together 🙂



Please email us your photo, as a png or jpeg, ASAP!



Preferably, the photo shows you and your face as well as your pet (don’t be shy!)



We will be printing the photos and using them in a special display, For the Love of Pets!!



You can send your photo to  Please include your pet’s name



Thank you, and we will see you today and next week for your adjustments, New Day 



Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.

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