Costs and benefits, and coronavirus
soooo grateful for you, our community!
Good afternoon, New Day!
First, I want to say how grateful I am for your feedback to the message I sent out yesterday concerning coronavirus and New Day.
Many of you reached out to thank me for sharing about this, calling my perspective “needed” and “a breath of fresh air.” I am honored that I can be that for you and that we can be connected in this way.
I also had numerous health and wellness practitioners reach out to thank me and ask if they could cite and/or borrow sections of my blog to share with their communities. By all means, keep the positivity going!
Of course, most of us do have it that most of the people we surround ourselves with are of like minds, and basically agree with us. I by no means take the New Day community as a representative sample of society as a whole!
I have had one person with whom I am acquainted on Facebook call me and my message “unscientific” and that saying I am hugging people is “irresponsible.” Naturally, the like minds on her Facebook agreed with her and were very much against me!
Here’s what I have to say about this issue of being “unscientific” or “anti-science.”
I have not at any time said that I don’t think the spread of this virus is real, a threat to people, communities, cultures, and economies. The fact that anyone could be leaping to that conclusion, I think, is a symptom of 2 underlying problems.
Problem 1) is the fact that what is health care in this country has for so long been a realm where diseases are fought and sick people are made less sick. The perspective that is all of what is now being shared in the media, and it is also what resonates for most people due to our cultural conditioning of seeing healthcare this way for most of our entire lives. Battling disease, protecting ourselves, and safety are considered all of what is real and important. And therefore an experience and a culture of wellness are superfluous.
We in this community experience healthcare somewhat differently– as in an ongoing, proactive, experiential phenomenon that happens in community and the experience of which is mediated through shared culture and meanings. None of which makes it less “real.” There is plenty of data to show that subjective meaning can mean everything in the outcome someone experiences in their health and life.
The other problem is 2) the ever-increasing political polarization we have as a culture where in some people’s minds there are the rational, diplomatic, scientific, mostly “liberals,” and then there are the stupid, reckless, anti-science, Trumps of the world. There isn’t really room for an alternative in that narrative. Thanks, 2-party system 😉 We find ourselves in a liminal space, and that is part of the frustration that we are experiencing.
The fact is, and the science is, there are always costs and benefits. For some people right now, for some of the time for some and for all the time for others, the costs of human contact, even to receive care for the spine and nervous system that increases health and immunity, is just too much. But for a lot of other people, that will not and be the case. The benefit to be derived from care that boosts our immunity, energy, aliveness, and general feeling of connection and wellbeing will be far greater for many of us in this community than the opposite.
Everyone has the right to make their own choices. I don’t presume that the role of a health care practitioner in someone’s life is to dictate to them what they should and should not be doing. Years ago, doctors were gods. They told their patients which prescriptions to take, and they took them and they didn’t ask questions.
We live in a different world now (thankfully). You have the right to research, seek advice, and take advice that is congruent with what you learned and your values and belief system. I am happy to be providing a perspective that can be part of that consideration.
Thank you for being a community that stands for freedom, energy, and possibility. Sending good thoughs, healing, vibes, and tons of gratitude. Dr. Virginia and I cannot wait to see you at your adjustments this week.
Here is a cool link sharing a perspective of how chiropractic benefits on the immune system