Emotions and Network Spinal– What’s the connection?
What’s the connection? And what does this mean for your care?
Happy Tuesday to you, New Day sunshines!
Emotions. (Ugh)
For many of us, when we hear “emotions” we think crying, out of control, unwanted outbursts, and people using their “emotions” as an excuse for what looks like bad behavior.
Still others of us are alllll about being in our emotions. Feeling and healing. Doing the work. So much so that sometimes we feel like we are hostage to our emotions for days, weeks, or months.
People tell us that we need “feel our feelings” and be “in tune with our emotions” and this can feel annoying or judgemental.
What’s the connection between your spine and nervous system getting healthier and more energy efficient through Network Spinal (and SRI), and emotional healing?
Donny Epstein, creator of Network Spinal and SRI, suggests a very specific way of working with the emotional aspect of every spinal cord tension pattern (read: reactive, stress based programming), as well as a timing for doing so.
In others words, you don’t need to tell me about it (though you can if you like!) Your spine and body tell me what to do and when 😉
But, as is true for all things Network, the care works even better if you are able to be a full participant in this process.
Have you experienced emotional healing through Network Spinal and SRI? OR would you like to experience more? Or less?? OR you’re just curious?
Our next Bright Souls Gathering– the workshop for leaders in our New Day community– is for you!
Back when I was new in Network care, before going to chiropractic school, I had little idea of how and why care for my spine would impact my emotions.
My entire context for the care I was receiving, at that time, was that this is the most peaceful and relaxing thing in my life that somehow seems to work for my body better than anything else I’ve tried.
If there was ever anyone crying in the adjusting room, I probably thought they were just having a bad day. Emotions were just a separate issue, I thought.
It wasn’t until later, after I went to chiropractic school and my life had changed quite a bit, AND I started to actually learn more about the care that I came to chiropractic school to learn, that I became more clear about benefits I was receiving from Network and SRI that went beyond getting rid of pain.
And my understanding continues to evolve, through continuing to train, receive the care, and learn through you our practice members 🙂
We invite you to come learn, experience, and contribute your unique perspective with your presence at our November 5th, Bright Souls Gathering.