“Why is she adjusting me THERE?!”
Discover why and how I find the perfect places to adjust you 🙂
Good morning, New Day!!
We all go through many different experiences throughout the months and years that we are in this life-changing care.
We probably even find ourselves having many experiences during just one 10 minute adjustment!
Experiences of “wow!” Experiences of relief. Experiences of falling asleep.
Experiences of. . . “what the hell is she doing NOW?!”
Hahaha! It’s true for all of us. Sometimes even for me, as a chiropractor and practitioner who knows Network Spinal and knows it well. I’ll be on the table receiving care and have moments when I wonder why the doctor’s hands are going where they are going and doing what they’re doing.
The logic of the how and the why is both art and science, and takes years of study and practice to master.
As I always say, there really isn’t much about chiropractic or Network Spinal that you need to understand or “get” in order to benefit from it. In fact, sometimes our thinking gets in the way of the experiencing 😉
BUT, if you are someone who likes to learn, grow, experience, get the most out of this amazing care and community, our Bright Souls Gathering is for you!
Remember when you were new in care and I suggested you focus on each adjustment as a “pebble dropping into a lake”?
Or when I told you that one of the differences with Network Spinal compared to regular chiropractic is that we are encouraging your nervous system around what it should be doing, rather than “fixing” a “problem”?
Did those ways of focusing help you then? Do you still use those now? SHOULD you still be focusing that way now?
Thursday, August 22nd at 7PM we will be discussing and experiencing “Spinal Gateways 101.”