About Dr. Katie

Shine Brightly Today

When you’re tense/achy/stressed/can’t sleep/you’re in pain/you’re anxious/ and you’re looking for something (but you’re not sure what) for your health and wellness, EVERYONE has something to say.

What friends say to you:

Are you stretching? Are you meditating? Are you getting massages? You should do more yoga! 🧘‍♀️

What other friends say to you:

You’re just stressed! You need to relax. You should try a weighted blanket! And what are you doing this Saturday night? 🍻

What your mom says to you:

You’re too sensitive! When I was your age I had twice as much on my plate, and your father never lifted a finger around the house.


You’re just getting old! I was about your age when I started having (x,y,z problem). 😱

What YOU say to you:

I know there’s something wrong. There has got to be some connection between my anxiety, my pain and tense muscles, and my other issues. And I only feel overwhelmed when I think of trying yet another supposed magic bullet. Everything I’ve tried only seems to help a little,  and only at first. Have traumas from my past caused the way I’m feeling? There has got to be something out there for me, and I think I’ll know it when I see it.

What I say to you:

Trust yourself. And trust that you are finding out about me and this technique I practice for a reason. You found me, and I think there is a strong chance that THIS is it! Keep reading.

I’m Dr. Katie Ray, DC,  and I am so happy you’ve found me! You may be starting to wonder how it is possible that I can help people with so many different things:

There are many signs and symptoms that your nervous system may be dysregulated and you have been stuck in fight or flight. These signs and symptoms can be different for different people, and may include:


Sense of anxiety and difficulty calming down
Persistent pain and tension
Difficulty sleeping
Poor posture
Digestive issues
Emotional dysregulation
Sense of low energy and exhaustion

These are just some of the most common issues that I see in clients who can be helped by me, but there are many more. The nervous system and spine control and coordinate your physical functioning, your thinking and feeling, and your experience in your body and your life. 


I’d like to sit down with you and learn about what they’ve been experiencing to see if my care could be a help.

I want you to know that I had a lot of skepticism about this care in the beginning, and certainly did not think of myself as someone who was interested in a “fringe” or “new age” healing modality. I simply wanted something that worked!

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More Questions

If you have additional questions, please call us at 773.340.2228 or contact us for more information.

How do you know you can trust me:

I started out much like you, with persistent pain and tension in my body, a very stressful life, and a sense that my problems were only multiplying by the day. I was on the struggle bus full time. And I was only 24 years old 😂


Even though I had no money and heaps of skepticism for this supposed “light touching” form of chiropractic, in a moment of desperation I gave it a try. 


And I felt enough change after the first visit to feel lighter, freer, and more encouraged and optimistic (which was new for me!)


Eventually, this form of care helped me have a whole new experience of myself that I could feel confident was coming from ACTUAL improvements (not just temporary “bandaids”). And I’d like to see you have that too!


I’ll also share that my whole life I have found that people generally just really trust me! Random fact: I was the teenager who other teenagers’ parents wanted to have driving the car (instead of their own kid!). I’ve always had the sense that people feel relieved and happy knowing that I’m on deck. And I take it very seriously that people trust me. I have very high standards for myself in everything, but especially in my work with my clients.

You want to know if I am I good at what I do:

I began learning Network Spinal (then Network Spinal Analysis) in 2009 after my first year in chiropractic school. I have completed the highest level of training from Donny Epstein in that technique. 


If you’ve had Network Spinal from any other practitioner, or you’ve been recommended to this by a friend who sees another practitioner, you can be confident that what I do will be comparable to what they do.


But like most practitioners who have 10 or more years of experience, I also add my own unique flavor to the work. Therefore, if you’re online looking for Network Spinal and you’re confused because some people are talking about “Network Spinal Analysis,” some about “Network Care,” and some about “NetworkSpinal™”– don’t worry! They all came from the same person originally and it all informs what I do with my clients here 🤗


Even though generally most people find it (understandably) very difficult to make time to write a positive review about something they like, I have over 150 5-star reviews on Google so far! Please give them a read because I hope they make you feel confident about visiting New Day for the first time 💗🏡☀️

You want to know if it’s true that I barely touch people, and then they feel better?

I want to be very up front with you that lasting change does take time. At this point you most likely understand that there is no magic pill or magic wand for anything in the body. 


But over the past 12 years I have helped hundreds of people have breakthroughs with an impossible to count number of issues and complaints, including sometimes just a vague sense that things could be better.


Even after the very first appointment my clients often report feeling “lighter,” “looser,” “lifted,” “more calm,” (and one recently told me she felt like she was moonwalking!), and just very relieved that they found something that’s going to work for them. 


In fact, my care helps some people so much that they can hardly imagine their life without it and continue to see me for months and years on end (I don’t want to scare you, though! Let’s just take this one step at a time 😊).

You want to know how to take the first step with me:

If you’re leaning strongly toward trying my care, you can just schedule your New Client Appointment with me on my online scheduling system.


This appointment will give us the chance to meet, for me to examine you, work with you, and for us to find out if my care could be a good avenue for you. If it seems like it would be, we will make a plan to discuss next steps! There is no obligation to continue or do any set amount of care with me. 


And if you want to learn more in the meantime, there are 3 things you could do. First, keep poking around my website, especially my blog where I post all of my weekly messages to the New Day community.


Second, you can subscribe to my weekly messages. I know you might be thinking, “Emails?! 😰😂😭” But seriously, these are messages that I specially write every week to help my clients and to help people who are new to learn the fundamentals about my care and New Day.


Third, you can sign up for the Intro to Care and New Client Gathering! The Intro to Care is a free event for new clients and people considering becoming clients. I do a presentation about Network Spinal care, where it comes from, and the theories on which it is based. Then I take a couple of volunteer audience members and work with them and explain to everyone watching what I am doing and why 💗


People find the Intro to Care VERY helpful (this is why I’ve made it free and I host it once a month!) You can look for the next Intro to Care on my online scheduling system and sign up there ☀️