There are knots inside of you. . .

There are knots inside of you. . .

. . . that only you can find

Good afternoon, all you bright souls of New Day! I’m so happy to finally be back writing to you again after the office move this past weekend 🥰


Have you ever been laying on the adjusting table at New Day, or on a massage table with your massage therapist, or doing some other kind of work with a practitioner or “healer” and suddenly noticed “WOW. I have a huge knot right there!” 😮😮😮


Maybe it was behind your shoulder blade, or in your hip, or in your leg. Or somewhere else.


Maybe you already “knew” it was there– you felt it hurting or noticed it restricting you in some way. But you didn’t REALLY know until that moment ✨🌊🌀


Something about the work that your practitioner did with you that day or the experience of their care in that moment had you realize something about yourself and your knots on a whole deeper level.


And because of that experience and that realization, something changed that could not change before 💥


This, to me, is the essence of a great healing experience. You feel and know more about yourself and your interconnectedness and in so doing you get more in touch with your own healing super powers


Moments like these are possible in many different approaches to healing. Hey, you could even have one right now reading this email! Or maybe later tonight when you’re out taking a walk 🌅


I love practicing Network Spinal, as a form of chiropractic, because it is the best thing I have found in terms of creating these transformational AHA moments, systematically and with the most predictability.


Of course there is art to it too! Donny Epstein can’t teach someone EVERYTHING. It takes practice over time, and every day is different.


For example, it’s an art for me to learn how much or how little I, your doctor of chiropractic and Network Spinal practitioner, should say out loud to you during your adjustments

I like to use my creativity and my sense of what might help you connect with yourself to give you a verbal cue or a little visual during your adjustments sometimes.


“Like a pebble dropping into a lake”– that can always work. Especially at first when you are newer in Network Spinal care 🌀


And then later on, sometimes and on some days we might want or need to use our focus differently. Maybe it would be: “Imagine we were pulling you from right HERE, out and away from your left knee.” 💥↗️💥↗️


It would be tempting to think that if you had a breakthrough one day on the table based partly on something I said, that maybe we should should try it the exact same way next time. Or even every time!


Or, you might find yourself thinking that maybe I should be more active in giving you more and different verbal cues and visuals every time you get adjusted, so that you never get bored 😂


As some of you know, I do a fitness program called Tracy Anderson Method and have been practicing the method for about 3 years.


One of the hallmarks of the method is something that can be very hard for new students to get used to; Tracy does not talk at all or provide any narration during her workouts.


Zero pointers. Zero encouragements. Zero instruction during the workout itself.


It is hard to get used to, and weird at first. And it can have you feel like something’s missing 😰😰😰


Tracy Anderson in action!

But there’s a method to her “madness.”


I have heard Tracy Anderson speak specifically about this and about the need to allow the person doing the workout to feel and find the movements on their own. It’s a workout for your brain and nervous system as well.


Hearing her speak about this a couple of years ago really helped me in my understanding of the work I do with you.


If I over-coach or over-narrate, then I’m not helping you have the skills I want you to take away from this. And if you’re not having the skills not only are you not getting the results in your health and your life, but you’re not getting the sense of empowerment and accomplishment that you deserve 💓


In that case, your care with me becomes an occasion to feel and hear me, rather than feel and hear your own true self.

There are knots inside you that only you can find. And that is as it should be. I am here to help you do that.


The art of learning how to do that better day by day is one of the things I appreciate most over the course of the past 10 years ✨💖😊


If any “healer” tries to tell you that they found some knot, blockage, or problem that you didn’t know about and now they are going to make it go away of their own accord, DON’T believe them. That’s not how the nervous system and the body work.


To summarize, I am not sharing all of this to tell you that I am planning to go completely mute during your adjustments!


I’ll still be talking about pebbles dropping, lifting and reaching, windows opening, etc! Don’t you worry 😂


Just know that when I say something to you on the table, the point is for you to take it and make it yours with your own focusing and feeling. And by all means, if something is working or not working for you, you can always let me know 😊


Thank you for your energy and engagement, as always. I can feel it 😊


I look forward to seeing you at the NEW New Day for your adjustments tonight and next week (but NOT Tuesday because that’s the 4th of July 🎆🎆🎆)

Picture of Katie Ray

Katie Ray

Great day to you! I’m Dr. Katie Ray, founder of and chiropractor at New Day. Network Spinal™ changed my life–or I wouldn’t be writing to you about this right now!–and, 10 years since my introduction to this care, I remain an enthusiastic advocate and consumer.